Anonymous ID: a808f2 Oct. 13, 2023, 12:25 p.m. No.19730225   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0247 >>0322


Aqeeq (agate) rings such as these are commonly worn by muslim men all around the world.


Wearing Rings and Gemstones in Islam: Philosophy and Benefits

Anonymous ID: a808f2 Oct. 13, 2023, 12:58 p.m. No.19730455   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>19728666 lb




The seeds of all of this carnage and destruction begins more than a century ago, long before the Holocaust, with the consolidation of Jewish power over the financial infrastructure of the Western world through usury and fractional reserve banking, high interest loans through dynastic banking houses to governments backed up by the nations’ taxes, incredible wealth accumulation devices and practices which Christians did not participate in at scale comparable to the Jews — and then their monopoly control of newspapers and the press, domination of communications networks which began the first iteration of cancel culture against “anti-Semitic” critics like Henry Ford and others, titans of Industry who named the “Jew” and called out the war of Finance against Industry, the weaponization of labor rights movements, and the subjugation of the American national interest to Jewish monied interests and supercontrol and influence in the halls of power, which became the guiding hand in foreign affairs through coercion against Washington politicians and puppets of organized Jewry such as Woodrow Wilson and others, creating conditions suitable for the overthrow of the Russian Czar and support for a Jewish homeland through the British Mandate in Palestine, two destructive world wars and more.


With the Balfour Declaration, a letter to Lord Rothschild in aftermath of WW1 when the Ottoman Empire broke apart, the idea under British Mandate of opening Palestine to settlement as a homeland for the Jews was borne. Zionism as a movement was already burgeoning among Europe’s Jews. It wasn’t until after the Holocaust that widespread and near universal Western support for Israeli statehood was realized with Israel’s recognition by the United Nations in 1948, a milestone of their Zionist ethnostate project. Ethnic wars with the neighboring Arabs would wage for decades. With the support of world powers and international Jewry lending financial and political support, Israel’s place in the Middle East was secure.


By undermining nationalism and supporting open borders in Western nations to protect their own position in Western societies as the other and the outsider, encouraging tolerance and financing minority rights movements that undermined the historic majority by weaponizing Christian ethics and democracy against us, the peculiar power of the Zionist lobby and the Jewish control matrix over our politics has not coincidentally led to our own national destruction and the criminalization of criticism of Jewish power while we fund and lend military support to the advancement of Greater Israel and the security of the Jewish people through our taxes and military spending.


The GWOT (Global War on Terror) ushered in after the 9/11 Attacks was a product of the manufactured consent created by the entrenched neoconservative faction which was literally the brainchild of Jewish individuals. The Office of Special Plans and the forces in the Bush administration that justified and pushed for the Iraq War were misled by a combination of false intelligence and deliberate manipulation to take out Saddam Hussein, a major regional threat to Israel’s security. The elimination of Ghadafi and attempted elimination of Assad further destabilized the region, preventing any strong rival Islamic power from threatening the State of Israel. Endless wars in the Middle East were also supported by evangelical Zionist ideology, which is a poisonous bi-product more than a century in the making of the Scofield Bible, a mass published Study Bible proliferated in American churches and homes that was financed by Jewish donors to mold American Christianity into a more Jewish-friendly religion, twisting scripture to nullify replacement theology (The church has replaced the Jews as the new Israel) with the ‘Jews are still God’s chosen people’ lie.


Now, with America’s government and politicians fully captured by Jewish interest groups, the completion of the Zionist project continues. It is Israel First and America Last. Our national psyche is molded by The Holocaust Guilt narrative and weaponized Slavery narrative used to disarm our people in the face of hostile moral blackmail and resource extraction by a foreign power, supported by a fifth column in the American ruling class. The group insulates itself from threats and criticism of their disproportionate power and influence through censorship groups like the ADL and other organizations. Social media poses a major threat to their control.


God bless Gab. God save Free Speech.

Anonymous ID: a808f2 Oct. 13, 2023, 1:16 p.m. No.19730572   🗄️.is 🔗kun



"Just so you understand. I NEVER mentioned the word or the name 'Israel'.Never mentioned it in the conversation. They were all saying I did. So you had to know the story wrong. NEVER MENTIONED the word Israel."

Anonymous ID: a808f2 Oct. 13, 2023, 1:31 p.m. No.19730711   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Atrocity Propaganda

Today, we are witnessing the creation of atrocity propaganda in real-time.

What is atrocity propaganda, and how has it been used to win support for war? A thread:

By Keith Woods



2/12: An atrocity tale is designed to shock a mass audience by showing a violation of a fundamental cultural value which authorises force to stop the perpetrator.

They are directed at groups rather than individuals. The ultimate goal is to dehumanise an enemy.


3/12: One of the earliest examples of atrocity propaganda was during the Irish rebellion of 1641.

Reports were sent to England of massacres of the innocent by the rebels, and there were later used to justify Cromwell's slaughter of captured Irish rebels.


4/12: The most graphic accounts were published in the English press. Newspapers fabricated graphic accounts of babies being ripped from pregnant women.

These reports especially incited the English public against the Irish.


5/12 Atrocity propaganda in 1641 vs. 2023


6/12: With the spread of communications technology in the 20th Century, atrocity propaganda became more important for garnering support for war. Some of the worst examples came in WW1.

British propaganda, backed by the press, portrayed the Germans as barbaric aggressors.


7/12: British media reported stories of the Germans bayoneting Belgian babies and cutting off their hands.

Reports came from Belgium of giant German "corpse factories", where dead bodies were harvested to be turned into candles, lubricants, and boot wax.


8/12: One of the worst examples of atrocity propaganda is the so-called Nayirah testimony.

In the run up to the Gulf War, A 15 year-old Kuwaiti girl gave testimony to US Congress about the horrors of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, most notably babies being pulled from incubators.


9/12: Nayirah’s testimony was rebroadcast across the country and marked a turning point in public opinion on going to war with Iraq.

President Bush repeatedly cited her claims to justify the necessity of the war.


10/12: It turned out Nayirah was the daughter of Kuwait's ambassador to the US.

Her testimony was organised as part of a 'Citizens for a Free Kuwait' public relations campaign.

This was itself was a front-group, created by an American PR firm hired by the Kuwaiti government.


11/12: You may notice a trend with these atrocity tales: children as the subject of violence.

This makes sense. Regardless of the intricacies of a conflict, if one side is slaughtering children, they are obviously irredeemably evil. Who could defend baby killers?


12/12: Today, we may be seeing the creation of atrocity propaganda in real time, this time through the medium of social media.

History should remind us to not be guided by emotion, and treat all claims which direct us toward demands for war with a good degree of skepticism.