Anonymous ID: df99b1 June 30, 2018, 12:45 p.m. No.1973668   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3911

Be prepared to help all who do not understand. This will be our most difficult part of the fight. We must stay united, not divided. The average normies will struggle deeply with the coming revelations. Their heros, leaders, idols and such will crumble before them. They too will crumble from this knowledge and make our job so much more difficult. We need them. We need them as they need you. We are the United States. Not the Red and Blue States. Help them. Have compassion. Guide them like a scared child. They are Americans too. They can be helped. They just got played like a $2 guitar. They will come around, but not without help. If we don't help them, they can harm us, our families and our movement.

Why do you think Q says to not divide? Q knows the movement isn't divided. It's us. It's America. It's the world.

Lend a gentle hand and bring them to the light. This will be the most painful realization for many in their lives. Some will kill themselves. Others will deny and try to kill us. BUT, just as we go to work or school, or shop for groceries with them and get along in our day to day lives with them as fellow Americans with separate ideas and values, so too will we post realization. We must. The Republic demands it.

United we Stand

Divided we fall.

God Bless America