re: repeat, do again
lig: connection
ion: action of
over 90% of the wisdom found in each of the major religions,
is the same.
differing in language, wording and story that benefits each individual culture.
there are many crackers that can carry the caviar.
forget the glass house analogy,
stones tossed have a 90%+ chance of injuring the tosser.
Alef & Omega
Line & Circle
Start & Finish
1 & 0
(curious where the embers are found)
solomon used demons to build the temple…
stated in a different way with modern terms.
solomon used the people's who were motivated by,
detrimental patterns of thought.
djinn -spirit -> exorcist -> psychologist -> psychatrist -> farma-sue-ticals
now, who cognitively conditioned the people is up for question…
sin(e), or rather the peak and/or trough positioned at an extreme from equilibrium.
-nature always overcompensates when resolving a potential difference
Je-sus (french)
Je: I
sus: know
crist, cris, crux, cross
a good tool for measuring the position of stars
do you know the mazzaroth?
on an egg.
draw a circle around the greatest length.
draw a circle around the greatest width.
rotate egg.
description of orbiting bodies (i.e. earth).
and tool for determining when earth begins easting (easter).
as opposed to 'westing' mentioned by the ancient culture that lived in the area of egypt.
L: square, tool used in construction (of understanding?), 90 degrees
ord: ordinate, position in a sequence
divine: to determine difference through separation
divinity: that which has been separated
heavens 2 ear:th
a blackened bowl
filled with water
under the stars of night
place a straight edge across the bowl
precision measurement…
for bringing the heavens to earth
There are three principle centers.
Defined as.
position one: 3
position two: 6
position three: 9
In relation to existence.
3: Soul
6: Body
9: Spirit
Location of their Biological Seats.
3: sacral, celiac, mass ganglia (between intestines and spine, inline with navel)
6: spine
9: brain
Primary Influences:
3: diet
6: exercise
9: sleep
As a golem / homunculus (local, country, global)
3: Religion
6: Corporation
9: Government
Each of the positions can exist (direct effort/intention towards) in support of one of the other two.
333 or 666 or 999
The positions defined for 333 (the soul(ar) life):
-position one: soul exists for soul
-position two: body exists for soul
-position three: spirit exists for soul
The positions defined for 666 (the animal life):
-position one: soul exists for body
-position two: body exists for body
-position three: spirit exists for body
The positions defined for 999 (the spiritual life):
-position one: soul exists for spirit
-position two: body exists for spirit
-position three: spirit exists for spirit
369 is each of the three integrated toward a greater existence.
Recall what Tesla stated about the wheel-work of the universe.
Breath regulates all.
ascend assist
innocence -ignorance -> faith -> belief -> knowing -> understanding -> wisdom
awaken -ascend -> enlighten -> transcend