Anonymous ID: 75ab69 Oct. 14, 2023, 4:44 a.m. No.19734382   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4389 >>4394 >>4473 >>4524 >>4608 >>4675 >>4878



"A senior US politician said Israel had received an official warning from Egypt of a possible attack from Gaza three days before Hamas launched its deadly cross-border assault on Saturday.


Michael McCaul, the chair of the US House foreign affairs committee, speaking after an intelligence briefing to senior members of Congress, said it was not clear at what level the warning was given.


“We know that Egypt has warned the Israelis three days prior that an event like this could happen,” McCaul, a Republican, told reporters on Wednesday. “I don’t want to get too much into classified [details], but a warning was given. I think the question was at what level.”


Israel was caught off-guard by Saturday’s surprise attack, when more than 1,500 Hamas fighters breached the Gaza border fence in a number of locations, killing over 1,200 Israeli civilians at a music festival, kibbutzim and other sites near the border. It took several hours before Israel’s military was able to respond on the ground.


Earlier this week, the country’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, denied Israel had received any advance warning from Cairo, when reports first emerged that an alert had been passed on from the country’s intelligence services.


Netanyahu said such claims were “fake news” in an address to the Israeli people on Monday. Earlier that day his office said “no early message came from Egypt” and denied that the prime minister had recently met with the head of Egyptian intelligence to discuss any such warning.


Anonymous ID: 75ab69 Oct. 14, 2023, 4:53 a.m. No.19734406   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4428 >>4441

Looking like Youngkin will step into the 2024 race against 45. If we have DIRT on Youngkin I can get it to the right places. If we do not have DIRT on Youngkin we need some…


BTW, this board dug up all kinds of goodies on RonnieD which were passed along and became very USEFUL…


So it matters…

Anonymous ID: 75ab69 Oct. 14, 2023, 4:58 a.m. No.19734418   🗄️.is 🔗kun


not to datefag but "2 days" shows up in a few drops…13th was highly likely for a variety of reasons and "2 days" would be Sunday and would also make sense for a "sacrifice" which might also include US churches…


But I am NOT datefagging…

Anonymous ID: 75ab69 Oct. 14, 2023, 5:02 a.m. No.19734430   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4437 >>4447 >>4497 >>4540




If you think deep enough you probably already realized this, but I think this is a coming attraction. 45 put his "trust" in the USMil many times and many times the USMil delivered for him, but sometimes they did not, and this is one of those times. It will show the cross over between tech/pharma/banking/govmt and we need be see that as a population….it will also bring down Pence…

Anonymous ID: 75ab69 Oct. 14, 2023, 5:46 a.m. No.19734541   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4557 >>4600

I am TRULY trying not to datefag but shit…this is just toooooo muccchhhh…maybe I need datefagging anonymous…the 12 steps of DA…


Today we have a somewhat rare annular eclipse. This is NOT a total eclipse like we will have in April, but it is SIGNIFICANT.



-if a representation of GOD is the SON (sun) then when the sun darkens that would be extremely significant correct?

-Muslims have revered ecslises mainly due to the fact that Mohamed's son died during an eclipse.

-this eclipse will pass over middle America, arguable the mostly "Godly" places in the USA


"“The sun and the moon are two of the signs of Allah; they do not darken for the death or birth of any person, but Allah strikes fear into His servants by means of them. So when you see them darken, remember and mention Allah, declare His greatness, offer Prayer, give in charity, and supplicate to Him and seek His forgiveness.”


Solar and lunar eclipses are reminders of the Day of Judgment, when the sun, moon, and stars will all lose their light. [When the sight is dazed, and the moon is buried in darkness, and the sun and moon are joined together: Man will say on that day, ‘Where is the refuge?’] (Al-Qiyamah75: 7-10)

Anonymous ID: 75ab69 Oct. 14, 2023, 5:50 a.m. No.19734553   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4554 >>4566

Bigfoot wars by Native in 1850's Oklahoma…


"It is said that in or around 1855, a band of Choctaws in what is now LeFlore County and farmers in what is now Arkansas were experiencing some terrifying events. It all began in a rather benign way with the theft of vegetables, a few head of livestock, and other foodstuff by stealthy bandits in the night. The thieves were cagey, quiet, and never seen. They were also smart, as somehow they never ventured into Choctaw encampments on nights when a watchman was in place. Neither did the bandits ever fall into the traps set for them by farmers outside of Indian Territory. Those charged with finding and capturing these marauders began to develop a begrudging respect for the wiliness of their adversaries as time went by and the petty thefts continued. While the thefts were annoying and did cause some hardships, neither the Choctaw or the neighboring Anglo farmers were afraid of the food bandits; however, things changed once women and children began to go missing.


Spurred by reports of these kidnappings, a group of 30 Choctaw cavalrymen was organized to hunt down the abductors. The group was led by Joshua LeFlore, a man of mixed Choctaw and French blood, who was deeply respected by his fellow tribesmen. Also joining the search party was a Choctaw warrior named Hamas Tubbee and his six sons. The Tubbees were huge men – all approaching seven feet in height and weighing in at more than 300 pounds each – and were regarded as fierce warriors and expert horsemen. The Tubbees were so effective in mounted warfare that despite their massive size, they became known as the “Lighthorsemen.” The contingent of searchers, armed to the teeth, set out into the region known today as the McCurtain County Wilderness Area to search for the kidnappers."

Anonymous ID: 75ab69 Oct. 14, 2023, 5:51 a.m. No.19734554   🗄️.is 🔗kun


After riding all day, the searchers finally arrived in the area where they believed the bandits to be hiding. LeFlore brought his troops to a halt, stood up in his stirrups, and surveyed the area with a spyglass. It is unclear exactly what LeFlore saw but whatever it was, he ordered his men to charge toward a stand of pines roughly 500 yards distant. LeFlore and the Tubbee men led the attack. As the troops closed the distance between themselves and the stand of pines where the kidnappers were thought to be hiding, they were assaulted by a tremendous stench, the unmistakable odor of decay and decomposition. The horses of most of the men began to buck and rear, tossing their riders. Only the mounts of LeFlore and the Tubbee men were disciplined enough to remain composed, allowing the eight men to continue through the pines. As the men cleared the small wooded patch they came upon a large earthen mound. Scattered across the mound were the bodies of children and women in various stages of decomposition. LeFlore and the Tubbees caught a glimpse of a number of the murderers fleeing into the tree line on the opposite side of the mound. Only three of the killers stood their ground to meet the charge of the “Lighthorsemen.” It was at this time that the cavalrymen realized they were not going up against any human foe; rather, standing before them, snarling and beating their chests, were three huge, hair-covered creatures. Despite what must have been a shocking sight to him, LeFlore drew his pistol and sabre, spurred his mount, and charged. As LeFlore approached the nearest ape, it took a mighty swipe and struck his horse in the head, killing it instantly. LeFlore managed to roll off the falling horse, quickly jumped to his feet, and fired multiple shots into the chest of the creature. Once his pistol was empty, LeFlore attacked the ape with his sabre, opening up gaping wounds on the animal which roared in rage and pain.


LeFlore’s assault on the creature was so quick, and the shock of seeing hair-covered monsters so great, that the Tubbee men hesitated, completely stupefied, before entering the fray. This delay allowed one of the other two apes to get behind LeFlore, who was intensely focused on the ape he had engaged. The second beast grabbed LeFlore’s head with two huge hands and ripped it from his shoulders. The horrible sight jolted the Tubbee warriors into action and they opened fire on the three sasquatches with 50-caliber Sharp’s buffalo rifles. Two of the beasts were killed instantly, dropping in their tracks. The third creature was wounded but turned and fled before the lethal shot could be fired. Robert Tubbee, only 18 years old but already 6’ 11” and well over 300 pounds, spurred his horse, ran down the injured ape, and dispatched him with his hunting knife.

Anonymous ID: 75ab69 Oct. 14, 2023, 5:58 a.m. No.19734572   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>oh but muh military is the only way


It still is…but not all USMil wear the white hat…and additionally this is worldwide MIL not just US…our MIL 100% is COORDINATING with RUMil in order to keep WWIII from habben in Ukraine…


Our white hats will keep the lid on Israel as well, however, their planned sacrifice looks to be running hot…it is the SCARE EVENT and we will get close to WWIII (my 2 cents) but the white hats will keep the lid on…

Anonymous ID: 75ab69 Oct. 14, 2023, 6:05 a.m. No.19734586   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4601


No set up…just ignored the warnings…and they MOVED that music festival (which was at a secure location) to where it was 2 weeks before the incident…it 100% is a false flag and needed a "pretext" which was the DRAMATIC paraglider assaulting the festival…


What as the FIRST propaganda piece here? Chicago BLM with the paraglider…