Anonymous ID: 84ce96 Oct. 14, 2023, 2:46 a.m. No.19734196   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4205

“There is a last ditch effort by the dark forces to continue to instill fear. Remember that your role is now is to shift the fear. Please listen to your heart for the truth and do not believe what you see on your screens. These are devices to keep you distracted and divided.


“It is a time of great heart opening for the human family. The Earth is a heart centered planet but was taken over by those without hearts, which is becoming increasingly visible. A human heart would not intend to harm another. It is created and activated by Source. It is run by the battery of love, which is light. This is what brings forth creation.


“Because the light of creation is important and powerful, it can also annihilate that which is not the light. By exposing the darkness the light knows what to do to remove it.


“The planet is shifting from those who only serve themselves to a service to others planet. This is a massive cleansing and clearing. Ascension is occurring.


“Please reach out with your light to assist others while their hearts are awakening and even breaking. Send your love everywhere on the planet. Reach out and touch somebody’s hand. Add Aretha Franklin song


“Please remember your consciousness carries the light. When you focus it's like a transmitter of love sending your light wherever it goes. It is ideal to focus on what is real, good, and true.”


We have our work cut out for us, ground crew. We can do it though. That's why we are here. We need to remember that we are great avatars and masters.


When we are around others who are in fear and stress, sometimes we can help by reminding them that's there are more sides to the story than what is being told. Hold them in your heart with compassion. Love will get us through.

Anonymous ID: 84ce96 Oct. 14, 2023, 3:32 a.m. No.19734274   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4471

Humanity has been repressed

The original 12 strand DNA was reduced to a two strand DNA helix.

Bodies had no disease or disability.

The aging process ended at what you now consider your prime of life, thirty or so years.

Brain power was fully used and so were all innate capacities.

People communicated telepathically with the natural kingdom.

Manifested whatever they desired.

Traveled at the speed of thought and soul level knowledge reached consciousness.

Because people were healthy in body, mind, and spirit, they could live for thousands of years if they wished before moving on to higher levels of self discovery.