Why dontcha just reuse all your old MAGARiots/Extractions/etc… bullshit.
You do waste a lot of time on shit memes. Are you from the government or something?
Why dontcha just reuse all your old MAGARiots/Extractions/etc… bullshit.
You do waste a lot of time on shit memes. Are you from the government or something?
IMHO Yes, Yes they are.
Valueless, meaningless, aadd nothing to the conversation, intended only to promote emotional (hate) response.
They are spam, nasty insidious spam at that.
I Agree with OP.
Dart has the balance right.
HE doesn't delete for content, he deletes for behavior.
Speaking garbage incessantly, not to discuss or inform, but just to sow hate is behavior.
Speaking garbage because you are stupid is different, and I support your right to make yourself look like a retard. Just do it, then shut up and go away.
You claim duel citizenship, so tell me, how many hold Israeli passports?
Because as usual you are deliberately conflating right of return with citizenship to promote your hate and division agenda.
That is total bullshit.
Also you failed to answer my challenge to your dual citizenship claim.
I suspect that's because you are a paid shill, a lying cunt, and a Fed running a psyop. So kindly fuck off and come back when you can make a real argument, or present substantiated evidence.
You appear to have forgotten to address the direct question about your dual citienship claim.
It is important you address that or it just indicates you are a lying cunt playing on half truths and innuendo.
So, I leave it to you. Can you prove those you claim are dual citizens, actually hold Israeli passports?
I understand.
However this is why Darts delete approach is so goo. He doesnt prevent speech, he filters out the noise intended to drown out speech.
Kudos Dart from an oldfag.