Anonymous ID: 50ea11 Oct. 14, 2023, 2:16 p.m. No.19736809   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6816 >>6820 >>6866 >>6969


>Three unclean spirits that look like frogs deceive the inhabitants of the earth


Read about the Sumerian tablets that lay buried in the sand for 5000 years, the oldest unchanged historical documents known. Some tell their creation stories that are what's in the Bible but much more detailed.

The 3 frog like creatures are the Annunaki, "those that came down from above" and are of similar description (frog like) to the ones that visited the Dogon people of Africa that said they came from Sirius.

The Tower of Babel Was called a "shem", some have translated that to be a spacecraft, but regardless it was an attempt to overthrow the Annunaki gods.