why did ancient hebrews worship more than one god then. Why was Yahweh and El part of Caananite pantheons? Why is your bible such fucking bullshit.
because people were too brainwashed and stupid to fight it before. I know everyone is wrong you, me everyone. The bible is indeed bullshit. Sure it has some truth in it and, baby with the bathwater and all that. But the problem is that gaslighting bit you did at the end assuming my mind is in a box or those that question the validity of it are some how less. THE GOD OF ABRAHAM IS A FAG!
Would not change that the Bible is bullshit and Abraham was a faggot that gay wrestled with muh god.
Gaslighting nigger. Bible is Bullshit, I prove my mind is in a box by calling out the bullshit, how does that work. You just want it to be true so badly, you can not handle a challenge to your indoctrination. CATHOLICS ARE HUGE FUCKING RETARDS
sounded like a question a prevert would ask.
well considering that the 3 major religions consider themselves abrahamic. I am trying to cover my basis in calling them all bullshit.
its accurate for subjective understanding. I cant see your subjective truth. I don't give a shit what you are, bible is bullshit.
why would I answer a fucking stupid question. Kill yourself for repeating it.
if you only understood my subjective reasoning. FUCK fucking retard.
accepting your own is even funnier.
I may be wrong so apologies which one was the father of many nations that was abraham right. and didnt he wrestle with god, oh wait you may be right, does not change it Jacob is now just a fucking queer along with abraham. Guess Israel really is full of faggots.
Enjoy our imaginary friend JESUS IS A SACK OF SHIT
Hey I said I was wrong. Got the made up story conflated. Sorry I did not get the bullshit stories correct. BOO HOO
The Quran and the Talmud are also bullshit.
So I get one thing wrong in one time I say shit, nah you are still a fucking retard and your god is a stupid sack of shit. hard to fight against made up shit.
neck yourself and find your fake god.
I think it is the dogon that had the gods names as Chitari. Which is interesting because it was the name of the aliens in the avengers movie.
yeah faggot thanks for keeping up.
and you still have a subjective approach that you think is true that can not be measured or tested in any way. How do you know the tower of babel was not a real building. Why do you assume it is about hierarchy? Where did you get that is it spelled out or is it something you had to interpret. All I see in your posts is a dogmatic idea still that you have set in your brain as correct. You are right I have fear I have fear of the brainwashed who think they hold the only key to universal truth. That is the problem But you are too fucking stoopid.
hopefully not. The hope is that they show the most fucking restraint they ever have and let Israel dangle for the world to see their crimes. The muslim states will have more pull after this if they do not show force.
check out the former address for DC comics and new york city and then let me know what you think. Stan had different connections, his go through Jack Kirby.
no one has access to the truth and to think you have the sole approach to wisdom knowing that information is being withheld from society is the fucking problem. No one knows shit right now we have ideas, speculation at best, but not Truth. So not scared of truth I am scare of people who claim it.
Does this anon have access to the vatican, what is being hidden there what has been destroyed what has been edited. I reject your truth, not mine. I am just aware I have a bias towards mine. You take yours as gospel. I am not scared of truth I am scared of your subjectivity of it.
sorry wrong tag >>19736937
theories about the comic industry is they had access to looking glass. Or something of the like.
where is that said other than your shitty meme. You don;t know shit no one can. Not when things have been hidden. Not just through parable like you subjectively think but the historical and evidentiary record. This is why nothing you say makes a fucking bit of difference because it is just your stupid fucking theory. Even if other people agreed that is more of a consensus than people really knowing.
I suppose you are that one person that is privileged to know the entire truth. GET ON YOUR KNEES THIS FAGGOTS KNOWS IT ALL HE HAS A THOUGHT IN HIS HEAD AND ITS TRUTH. EVERYONE THIS GUY HAS TRUTH DID YOU HEAR THE BIG T. get fucked head case.
neck yourself aids nigger.
you said you had Truth I was just excited to tell others that you alone have truth and everyone else is wrong vs just everyone being wrong including you.
some of them are sketch alan moore for example one of my favorites but still scary sketch. Neil Gaiman is another most of those brit guys actually. The jack kirby stuff taps more into ancient astronaut stuff. But he was tapped in enough to get hired by the CIA for that ARGO movie stunt.
ever really you want to bestow that on me. Wow thank you.