Anonymous ID: 7fa33c Oct. 14, 2023, 6:41 p.m. No.19738409   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8797

14 Oct, 2023 20:44

Zelensky gags media on corruption – editor-in-chief

The Ukrainian president reportedly told journalists not to mention the issue until the end of the Russia-Ukraine conflict


President Vladimir Zelensky has allegedly ordered Ukrainianjournalists to avoid bringing up the topic of corruptioninstead of reporting it to the authorities, the editor-in-chief of the Zerkalo Nedeli (‘Mirror of the Week’) news outlet has claimed.


Speaking at the National Media Talk 2023, Yulia Mostovaya said that she had learned of Zelensky's demand from colleagues who hadattended an off-the-record meeting with him.


The president reportedly made the request after the Ukrainian press published reports about inflated food prices paid by the country’s armed forces.


According to Ukrainian media reports, including Zerkalo Nedeli, the Defense Ministry had been buying food and clothing for its service members at prices two to three times higher than the market price. For example, the ministry paid up to 17 hryvnia ($0.47) for a single egg and 22 hryvnia ($0.60) for a kilogram of potatoes, while the average prices for those goods at stores in Kiev at the time were about 7 hryvnia ($0.19) and 8 hryvnia ($0.22), respectively.


Mostovaya stated that Zelensky’s request to avoid the topic of corruption in media publications was something the Ukrainian press may have consideredif Zelensky had presented it in a “balanced manner”and explained that reporting on such issues could affect Ukraine’s battlefield capabilities.


“We would accept these conditions if the president had said: ‘Here is a person. Here’s his phone number. If you have substantiated facts, please provide them to this person, he will immediately pick up the phone. And give us a week to respond. If there is no reaction within a week, send it to print.’”


However, no such proposal was put forward by Zelensky, Mostovaya claimed, noting that instead thepresident told reporters to “remain silent until victory.”


“If we remain silent, there will be no victory,”the editor-in-chief said.


The issue of corruption in Ukraine has repeatedly been brought up by journalists and officials, both within the country and in the West.


Last week, the former president of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, stated that Ukraine will likely be unable to join the EU anytime soon because it is “corrupt at all levels of society.” He also urged Brussels not to make any “false promises” to the Ukrainian people who are already “up to their neck in suffering.”


Ukraine has for years been seen as among the most corrupt countries in Europe and was ranked 116th out of 180 in Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index for 2022.


(So what other corruption, crimes and theft are Zelensky and Kiev hiding from the West to keep the money flowing? I’m sure there’s a lot more the journalists never heard about. The west is going love hearing this, especially Congress that doesn’t want to send funds to Ukraine.)

Anonymous ID: 7fa33c Oct. 14, 2023, 6:46 p.m. No.19738435   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8797

14 Oct, 2023 23:13

Russia intercepts 27 Ukrainian drones over border regions – MOD

The southwestern Kursk region alone was targeted by 18 UAVs, as wells as multiple artillery strikes


Russian air defenses thwarted multiple attempted Ukrainian drone attacks on the city of Kursk on Saturday night,following several artillery strikes on the region earlier in the day, according to local authorities.


“This evening, 12 drones launched from Ukraine were shot down over Kursk and the Kursk district. Falling debris was recorded in the city limits and the village of Zorino,” Kursk governor Roman Starovoyt wrote on his Telegram channel, adding that no one was injured in the attack.


The Defense Ministry later confirmed that a total of 18 plane-type drones had been intercepted over Kursk, and two more over Belgorod region on Saturday night and early Sunday morning. Overall a total of 27 drones were downed in yet another foiled “terrorist attack by the Kiev regime,” the Russian military said.


Earlier in the day, the Glushkovsky district inKursk region was shelled from the Ukrainian sideleaving the nearby villages without power and causing a fire that was promptly extinguished, according to the governor. Hours later, the village of Tyotkino in the same district was targeted again, causing damage to residential houses and a gas pipe.


“The village of Tyotkino, Glushkovsky district, was again shelled from the Ukrainian side. There were recorded 10 attacks, four houses were damaged… A gas pipe is also damaged,”Starovoyt said. The official urged the residents to stay at a safe distance from the wreckage, promising to provide assistance to the owners of the damaged property.


The Russian borderregion of Kursk, home to a large Nuclear Power Plant, has been frequently targeted by drones since Moscow launched its military operation in Ukraine in February 2022. Russian officials have repeatedly accused Kiev of plotting acts of sabotage targeting the country’s major infrastructure sites, including nuclear power plants.


Ukraine has significantly stepped up UAV and missile strikes on Russian territory in recent months, amid a ground counteroffensive that has failed to provide Kiev with any notable territorial gains.

Anonymous ID: 7fa33c Oct. 14, 2023, 7:09 p.m. No.19738571   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8797

10% for the Big Guy

9 Oct, 2023 11:36

Scott Ritter: Are Hamas fighters using American weapons meant for Ukraine?


When it comes to arms supplies, the US is its friends’ worst enemy

Throughout recent history, the perceived weapon of choice for a terrorist (or freedom fighter, depending on one’s perspective) has been an AK-47 assault rifle. Today, in the aftermath of the so-called post-9/11 “global war on terror,” it’s not uncommon to see such fighters with a Glock 9mm pistol, or a Colt M4 carbine.

These are weapons paid-for by the US taxpayer and ostensibly provided to forces joined in the cause of defeating terrorists and/or freedom fighters (again, depending on the political beliefs of the observer), but that end up in the hands of the latter instead. Obviously, that is never the outcome Washington intends. And yet, somehow, these weapons end up arming the very forces the US and its allies are trying to defeat.


The most recent example of this phenomenon appears to involve Hamas and the attacks perpetrated by militants affiliated with that organization on military and civilian targets in southern Israel. A video, the authenticity of which has yet to be verified, purports to show a Hamas fighter thanking Ukraine for the provision of small arms, ammunition, and hand grenades. More videos, taken during the actual assaults, show the Hamas fighters armed with a plethora of US-made weapons.


These videos have alarmed some US lawmakers, such as Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, a Republican from Georgia’s 14th District, who, in the immediate aftermath of the Hamas attack, Tweeted/Xeeted “We need to work with Israel to track serial numbers on any US weapons used by Hamas against Israel. Did they come from Afghanistan?” the Congresswoman asks. “Did they come from Ukraine? Highly likely the answer is both.”


Any attempt to answer Marjorie Taylor Greene’s questions will more than likely turn up information that should make the US government very uncomfortable.Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had been saying since June of this year that US-made anti-tank weapons intended for Ukraine were turning up on the Israeli border. Left unsaid by Netanyahu was how this had come to be – corruption is rampant inside Ukraine, and Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh has reported on hundreds of millions of dollars of aid being diverted into the hands of parties it was not originally intended for. By my calculations based on conversations withnumerous informed sources, the amount diverted could be as high as six out of every ten dollars of assistance sent to Ukraine. It’s one thing if this involves money; it’s another thing altogether if this involves weapons.


The wide availability of US-made weapons on the global black market used by terrorists/freedom fighters to arm themselves is reflective of the lax approach the US takes when it comes to providing military assistance to parties involved in active combat. The US appears to be more interested in reinforcing the political messaging attached to such deliveries–that the US is actively supporting friends in need. The actual security-related aspects of this effort, however, seem to escape most senior US policy makers.


This became evident in May 2022, when Rand Paul, a Republican Senator from Kentucky, tried to have an inspector general put in place to monitor and account for some $40 billion in military assistance to Ukraine requested by President Joe Biden. Senator Paul’s motion was overwhelmingly defeated by a Congress which appeared to be happy to assume a “hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil” posture when it came to the issue of Ukraine and corruption.


The issue of US weapons falling into the hands of persons not only for whom the weapons were not intended, but –more critically– into the hands of people the weapons were intended to fight against, who then use them against American allies, is not a new one. Back in 2007, Turkish police started recovering weapons from killed Kurdistan Workers Party (or PKK) fighters inside Türkiye containing serial numbers affiliated with weapons shipments made by the US to Iraqi forces. The PKK is listed as a terrorist organization by the US State Department, while Türkiye is a member of NATO….

Anonymous ID: 7fa33c Oct. 14, 2023, 7:32 p.m. No.19738688   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8797

FBI Reverses – Wray: Reported Domestic Threats Have Surged Following Terrorist Attack on Israel


October 14, 2023 | Sundance |

Last Monday the FBI said they did not “have specific and credible intelligence indicating a threat to the United States.” {link} Today, FBI Director Chris Wray saysreported domestic threats have surged as conflict in Israel escalates. {link}


The good news is it wasn’t just the CTH audience who laughed at the face of a highly politicalized FBI claiming last week there was no concern. The social media sphere and independent journalists were thoroughly eviscerating the FBI for their politically correct nonsense. The tides have changed, and the majority of theAmerican people now see the naked stupidity of the FBI as a political institution.


The FBI are the domestic terrorism managers, deciding which organization to let run loose (ie Antifa, BLM) and what organizations need to be curtailed (parent attendees at school board meetings).


(Via Politico) – FBI director Christopher Wray on Saturday said reported domestic threats have surged as conflict in Israel escalates.


Wray acknowledged the increase in threats due to the “heightened environment,” calling for increased vigilance and requesting that police continue to share intelligence and observations.


“History has been witness to antisemitic and other forms of violent extremism for far too long. Whether that be from foreign terrorist organizations, or those inspired by them, or domestic violent extremists motivated by their own racial animus, the targeting of a community because of their faith is completely unacceptable,” Wray said in his prepared remarks at the International Association of Chiefs of Police conference in San Diego.


“We remain committed to continue confronting those threats — both here in the United States and overseas,” he said.


“I want to take a moment to offer my heartfelt condolences to the people of Israel and share the outrage I know we all feel at the sheer brutality and disregard for innocent lives there,” Wray added. (read more)


(I wonder if the FBI has a quota to endanger American citizens, because when they announce known lies they put our lives at risk.)

Anonymous ID: 7fa33c Oct. 14, 2023, 8:01 p.m. No.19738794   🗄️.is 🔗kun


They are all radical Muslims how they ever got in America news is bizarre. Kareem revealed videos was an extreme Muslim cleric in the UK calling for the death of jews and white people, that might have something to do with it