Anonymous ID: 9d20dc June 30, 2018, 1:02 p.m. No.1973972   🗄️.is 🔗kun

After digging into Q's old posts of U1 and Iran, I made a connection which is related to his post from couple of days ago regarding U1 and Putin. It will be revealed to the public soon that the cabal controlled Iran was building a secret nuclear weapon in northern Syria at certain facility. They were planning to use U1 uranium(remember this stuff is traceable) on it. This nuclear weapon was then planned to be handed out to NK and they would've hit USA with it(Q's older posts talk about why NK suddenly was so advanced in ballistic missiles dev) After a short "investigation" the source of this uranium had been traced directly to Russia and u.s counter attack would soon escalate into WWIII as preplanned.


The facility where this was being developed at was destroyed back in april of this year when USA/FRANCE/UK had their tomahawk missile attack. Putin was informed in advance and he gave a green light for it. This is connected as to why POTUS/Q push for Iran regime to be toppled.