Anonymous ID: ba0751 June 30, 2018, 1:12 p.m. No.1974131   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4491 >>4591




Stop & Think for a minute….


What purpose does it serve to dox Q?

What is achieved by doxing Q?

What can't be done by Trump unless Q is doxed?


I have been following Q since post number 1 and well before 8Chan, but I just don't see the upside of doxing Q. So anons please explain to me what is gained with doxing Q?


And "Trust the Plan" doesn't cut it. I trust the plan. Q told us all to be critical thinkers, well I am critically thinking.


Trump is on a major roll!!

Trump is winning left, right and center!!!

Trump is winning economically!!

Trump is winning domestically!!!

Trump is winning internationally!!!


Trump would be a fool to acknowledge that he knows Q or is part of Q!!!


Why do it? For all the anons to feel good??? Go crank your Hogan or stir your Shirley if you need to feel good!!!


To acknowledge that he has been communicating via 8Chan of all places. Is Trump ready to be tied to all the kike, nigger, fag lingo of 8Chan?


The uproar and false headlines this will create will make the turmoil created by his handling of Charlottesville look like fucking Sunday school.


It is so blatantly obvious it is a bad idea that I wonder if this push to dox Q is a set-up by the Clowns!!


Trump acknowledges Q…major MSM Nazism freakout & undisclosed communications by the Trump administration on the internet (Dems/MSM call for hearings, investigations, etc.!)


Trump doesn't acknowledge Q…major disappointment by anons.


What is the upside of having a reporter ask Trump about Q??????

Anonymous ID: ba0751 June 30, 2018, 1:21 p.m. No.1974298   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4431


>>4got Hussein got Kagan in during midterms in 2010


And Kagan had ZERO experience as a judge. The worst SCOTUS pick in history, but then again what else could we expect from Obama, the worst President in history.