I thought that was one but I didn't want to say cause was not sure. I am shocked people still have the narrative that it is because of the unvaccinated they are getting sick. Lost.
weak attempt at a strawman. fuck off.
that girl deserved to be raped is that the argument the potato is making. If hamas did not attack the other palestinians would not suffer because Israel obviously had no choice but to not not attack? I feel there is gaslighting in this shit and I can't figure out the topsy turvy.
tbf they are not refugees from genocide and that is a legitimate usage of the refugee status. Not like others still risky as fuck. But by taking them in also one would have to acknowledge who was victimizing them and doing this in the first place. It is not just Hamas it was Israel striking back.
Shut the fuck up you stupid nigger. That is not what I said you stupid illiterate fuck stain. Of course Hamas was created by them cunt lips. Projecting on me thinking he is the shit, only shows what a fucking tool you are.
What if Michigan tried to enslave Wisconsin. Are the people of Wisconsin terrorists if some of them fight back.
fuck you hall monitor.
how about real refugees like the palestinians who many are christians, and not allow the constant flow of illegal migration into America. Real refugees are fine. Where are the Palestinians supposed to go?
show your tits. That is why you have failed your child you can not even follow basic rules.
first off calling your childs opinions satanic is not going to win any points. Have you tried using any actual debate tactics or are you just telling them what you think. Do you challenge them and ask them why they think the way they do? Or do you just want to show them the agenda. You are obviously failing if you are here bitching about it. Let them tell you their opinions and then challenge them on why they think they way they do make them work out the intellectual problems.
no not exactly, don't make him defend it because that puts them in a defensive position. Find out why and challenge them in a questioning way, such as if you believe this can you explain this issue. make them explain it to you and counter their arguments become the devils advocate. This is the easiest way to break conditioning however for those more deep rooted things like religious beliefs it works it just takes longer.