Anonymous ID: c2a887 Oct. 15, 2023, 9:47 a.m. No.19741530   🗄️.is 🔗kun


If you weren’t so busy ‘ posting’ those important things like correct bred # wouldn’t be an issue that BVs have to fix over and over.

Appreciate that you bake because many just complain. They offer no solutions yet “have all the answers”. Just ask them but you don’t need to as they make certain everyone knows all about what the think they see-last bred perfect example of this “bakers deleting posts” lie.

You have well over 10% of the total amount of posts and although your efforts are not going unnoticed I assure you however do try to pay attention to the details as it’s most important

Thank you

Anonymous ID: c2a887 Oct. 15, 2023, 10:28 a.m. No.19741738   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The financial system created the Grand Canyon as a National Park so as to hide the massive amounts of gold ( mostly what is called placer gold) because the entire park hold billions of ozs of it in its rock formations and lining the banks of the Colorado river.

Our government was loaned money by the Chinese at the same time FDR issued executive order that banned private ownership of gold. This was also yet another bankruptcy of the US Corporation. Contrary to most information the gold act did not produce confiscations however many people turned over gold valued at about $20 an oz. When that operation was completed gold was revalued 50% higher based on that $20 pricing


The gold located in the Grand Canyon has been known to exist since the late 1800s but locked up from access by making it a National Park and National Monument first.


If the billions of ozs it has were allowed to be mined (and this is why they kept the price artificially low to make it cost ineffective to mine it at $20/oz) and also made ANY mining illegal….it would have destroyed the current (at time) economic system worldwide. Introducing billions of ozs at a time when there was about 80m already in circulation is not a recipe for keeping any financial system together so you can thank said Rothschild and Rockefellers for that. Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act in 1913 to effectively keep gold locked up. That is the reason 90% of the park is off limits. There is also a military base located in the northern portion of the park. It is , of course, off book and largely underground. Research the biggest plane crash (at time) in 1956. You will be able to connect cap #1 that has an overhead map of Grand Canyon visible on that gold bar. Those bars represent the contract for said gold the Chinese loaned our govt. you will also see the very same symbol on the economist magazine cover from 1988 and the date on the same medallion around the phoenix’s neck is 101018. Take a look what our stock markets did on that day too. If you were short and clocked out you made bank.


The plane crash in 1956 was a cover for our govt to mine gold out of the canyon to begin repaying those loans. There were no passengers on both aircrafts as there were no funerals for any of the supposed passengers on both manifests. It was a completely contrived event


One moar thing find and watch the movie “McKenna’s Gold” from late 1960s. I guarantee you won’t be disappointed

Happy Researching!!