The Savior Messiah Buddha ID: dd918c To Save Time, All Entities Who Bet Against Me As The Savior Must Battle Now Oct. 15, 2023, 8:47 a.m. No.19741205   🗄️.is 🔗kun

To Save Time, All Entities Who Bet Against Me As The Savior Must Battle Now


It is the battle between leaders,

It is the battle between heroes,

For they are responsible for all the important choice and selection in life,

There is no reasons to let the public useless eater with animal behavior suffering.


Now it is time to face the truth !


It is too obvious that there are a lot of beings, entities who bet against me as the real Savior Messiah Buddha from ancient prophecies.


I am calling, asking and demanding a final battle with me about either:

  1. The perfect solution to end all current world conflicts between groups.




  1. The forbidden sacred human evolution information.


Now I have finally have all those important sacred information in my mind, in the language, in the words that all of you can understand and accept.


If you have moral of a real leader, of a real heroes, do you have gut to appear and accept this challenge from me?


I am willing to accept this competition with all the beings entities from all nations who still have some kind of interested in this society.


Just like in the mist of the jungle or ocean, it is about the new direction that others can understand and accept with clear explanation (not the blind following with “forces”).


I am asking and calling the world military to do their job to setup this kind of battle, so the public people won’t be suffering and worthless chaos that cannot change anything !


I have shared and revealed my real identification with the communication contact online, so it is very easy to contact me if you guys truly want (but I still perfect contact via digital channel in advanced).


Now I still have some small interested left that is why I post this challenge, but once my desire my motivation gone then even with endless money, I would refuse even if you just want to have a chat with me.


So please be quick !


Best Regard,

The Savior Messiah Buddha

The Lord Of Lords

The King Of Kings


Source: ascension joy .com/10/2023/to-save-time-all-entities-who-bet-against-me-as-the-savior-must-battle-now/


Useless Leaders Are Blind Follow Prophecies Instead Of Seeking For Final Objective


All the current world chaos are caused because of useless eaters with animal mindset.

Instead of seeking for the final objective, final destination, they are blind follow prophecies without questioning !


In football, soccer, you do not need to keep the ball as much as possible but all you need to do is put the ball into the opponent’s net as many as possible.

Despite the fact the keep the ball may “increase” the chance of your winning but they are not the final objective, not the ultimate winning conditions !


Put into the current picture and world situation, what the point of causing world chaos? Even they use nuclear, it just does not going to change anything.


They need to ask and question: “what is your final objective, final goal”?

  1. Human Ascension Evolution Knowledge Wisdom.

  2. Finding the Savior Messiah Buddha.

  3. Having a common ground solution where all nations can co-exist in happy and harmony (maybe not 100% all nations but at least for the majority).

  4. Just keep blind follow prophecies like animals.


Do they even ever have that kind of thinking in their mind yet?

I do not think so !


Despite the fact that I am the real Savior Messiah Buddha from ancient prophecies, they still did not even have gut to contact me, did not give me any chance to show my full power and abilities. Instead all the top secret controllers was doing are blind follow ancient prophecies to cause worthless war chaos.


But one thing for sure, cause war chaos not going to change anything but only with real actions for final goal, objective can lead to final victory.


Best Regard,

The Savior Messiah Buddha

The Lord Of Lords

The King Of Kings


Source: ascension joy .com/10/2023/useless-leaders-are-blind-follow-prophecies-instead-of-seeking-for-final-objective/