Anonymous ID: 3fdb30 Oct. 16, 2023, 10:30 a.m. No.19745744   🗄️.is 🔗kun

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000107


5 Major Banks To Cut Credit To 20 Million Americans 'Effective Immediately' To Fund New War


Bank of America Closes 21 Branches In ONE WEEK While Wells Fargo Shutters 15

Major US banks are continuing to close branches across the US, leaving an increasing number of Americans without access to basic financial services.


Biden Threatens US Banks Who Refuse To Lend To Illegal Aliens

Now the US government is forcing debt insolvency!


LOL The Utter Corruption! Peace Prize Nominates US War Hawks As They Push For War With Russia & China


Biden leaves Americans trapped in Israel to fend for themselves as war breaks out.


SUPPLY CHAIN SABATOGE CONTINUES: Cargo Train Derailment Near Pueblo, Colorado


Iran Compares Israel To Nazi Germany

Oh boy, let the screaming commence lol!


China Warns Israel They Are Committing War Crimes Against UN Nuremberg Laws

Remember the Nuremberg trials after WWII addressed to prevent another genocide of civilian populations? You know, the trials deeply supported by Jewish people? Well Israel is in violation of those very laws that led to the arrest of thousands of former Nazi officials. Under Nuremberg laws, even if a nation is at war they are not allowed to militarily target civilians. By carpet bombing and bulldozing all of Gaza that's what they are doing.


US Propaganda Claims Russia and China Desire Major Middle Eastern Conflict To Undermine America

MY COMMENT: The only way this benefits Russia in any way is the US will be diverting supplies and weaponry away from Ukraine, to Israel in this new conflict. HOWEVER: Regarding BRICS trade stability and OPEC+ trade, this is a total nightmare for them and neither Russia nor China (or any of their allies) benefit from this fiasco! That's why they are desperately trying to come up with peaceful solutions and diplomacy. The fact is, neither will America benefit either. This will only cause the world to become more unstable, commodity prices to rise, economies to further crater, more insolvent debt, more death, more poverty, more chaos, more political unrest and instability, etc!!! Anyone who still claims "war generates wealth" is fucking stupid, for 99% of the human population no it absolutely does NOT!!

Anonymous ID: 3fdb30 Oct. 16, 2023, 10:31 a.m. No.19745745   🗄️.is 🔗kun

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000108


War-Debt Fake Economy To Enrich Very Few While Real Economy Battered Leaving Most In Financial Woes

Anyone willing to be pawns in these wars at this point are betraying the people they intended to serve, the citizenry! These endless wars do nothing to better 99% of the human population.


FLASHBACK: Despotic Western Oligarchy Desires To Starve & Enslave Population Bolshevik-style


Biden Mulls Visit To Israel As 30 Americans Confirmed Killed, Hezbollah/IDF Clashes Escalate, Egypt To Open Border


US Military Memo Leaked, Many American Troops Strongly Opposed To Fighting For Israel


IDF Notifies Families Of 199 Hostages Held In Gaza, Vows To Avoid Airstrikes On Their Locations


IDF Released Photos Of Weapons Caches Seized In Gaza


Two In Three Killed In Israeli War Against Gaza Are Civilian Women & Kids


US War Propaganda Against Muslims Is Getting Innocent Americans KILLED!


Hezbollah Attacks Zionist Military Outposts At Shebaa Farms


Hezbollah Targets Hanita Barracks With Guided Missiles, Some IDF Wounded