Anonymous ID: 4ddccb Oct. 16, 2023, 4:04 p.m. No.19746864   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6874 >>6913

Canada #47 >>19734976

Bill Gates’ New Plan: Cut Down 70 Million Acres of Trees to “Combat Global Warming”''

Published: October 10, 2023, 5:32 pm


Bill Gates and other globalist billionaires are now investing in newly established climate companies like Kodama Systems to harvest and bury one billion tons of "biomass" to "save the planet." Millions of trees, which provide us with oxygen and could have been valuable timber, will be buried instead. This will lead to soaring prices for timber, firewood, pulp, and other wood products as a consequence. The mostly deliberately set forest fires around the world this summer are now being used as a primary argument for deforestation. The destruction of American forests "for the sake of climate" is being led by a Chinese professor. Along with tree planting on arable land and economic incentives for farmers to switch to "carbon farming" instead of food production, the already strained global food production will soon no longer be able to feed the world's population.


Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft and one of the world’s richest globalists, is now funding a new initiative to “combat global warming” and “save the planet.” Gates’ organization, Breakthrough Energy, has invested $6.6 million in the project led by a company called Kodama Systems, founded in 2021. The plan is to harvest no less than 70 million acres of forest, mostly in the western United States. After mass harvesting, the millions of trees will be buried in the ground so that no one can use them. This is because climate alarmists believe that “burying trees will reduce global warming” as it prevents them from releasing carbon dioxide into the air.


Carbon dioxide in the air is needed for plants and trees to absorb carbon and use it to build their plant parts and grow. Oxygen is released through photosynthesis, which we humans breathe. Therefore, trees sequester large amounts of carbon dioxide during their lifetime. When they die and decompose or burn, the bound carbon dioxide is released. When trees are harvested at the end of their lifespan, when they are most valuable as timber or firewood, and are buried instead of being sold, the idea is that the carbon dioxide will be bound and kept separate from our planet’s atmosphere. Therefore, the project’s coordinators, known as the Carbon Lockdown Project, plan to store the “biomass in oxygen-free tree vaults” for a long time to come. The trees will be buried or submerged in water instead of being used for things like timber for housing or pulp, which will further increase the prices of timber, firewood, paper, and all wood-based products.

Timely Forest Fires


The logging is not a future idea; it has already begun. The American business magazine Forbes reports that Kodama Systems co-founder Merritt Jenkins is currently leading test logging in Stanislaus National Forest, located at the base of the Sierra Nevada mountain range in Northern California. The nature reserve covers nearly 900,000 acres and is managed by the U.S. Forest Service, a part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. 31% of U.S. forests are federally owned.


Kodama has already received $1 million in grants from California’s forestry fire agency and others, as well as purchase commitments for the carbon credits associated with the first 400 tons of trees that the Gates-sponsored company buries. Forbes writes that “on the open market, these credits should fetch $200 per ton”. Forbes likely chooses this price because climate alarmists have touted it as a soon-to-come minimum price needed to “save the planet.” Currently, emissions allowances cost less than half of this cost. So, the upfront payment for 400 tons of buried trees corresponds to $0.8 million in carbon credits. Real value in the form of timber and firewood is thus transformed into a fictitious value based on the lie of human-made global warming.



Anonymous ID: 4ddccb Oct. 16, 2023, 4:05 p.m. No.19746870   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Canada #47 >>19746221


Watchdog Group: Soros’ Foundation Funds Pro-Hamas Orgs

By Tim Pearce Oct 16, 2023


The Open Society Foundations, a grantmaking network founded by billionaire George Soros, funds organizations that have publicly supported Hamas terrorism against Israel, according to a conservative watchdog group.


Media Research Center (MRC) President Brent Bozell and Vice President Dan Schneider wrote a letter to Soros and his son, Alex, who chairs Open Society, last week pointing out the foundation’s ties to pro-Hamas groups. The letter was exclusively obtained by The Daily Wire.


Hundreds of Hamas terrorists stormed southern Israel from the Gaza Strip on October 7, killing more than 1,400 Israelis and wounding thousands more in the deadliest single day for Jews since the Holocaust. The militants killed at least 30 Americans as well. Hamas is holding nearly 200 people hostage in Gaza, according to Israel’s military.


“‘Silence is complicity,’ President Biden told Jewish leaders on Wednesday. Those who hide in the shadows rather than publicly stand with Israel bear partial blame for the atrocities. In light of all of this, your silence is deafening,” the letter says.


The MRC letter went on to quote condemnations of Hamas from former U.S. presidents George Bush, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and Donald Trump.


“These forceful statements caused us to wonder how an organization like yours that claims to champion ‘democratic solutions’ and advance ‘human dignity’ would go underground as Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East, fights for its very survival. We then discovered the reason,” Bozell and Schneider wrote.


“Our preliminary investigation has already uncovered multiple pro-Hamas grantees funded by you and the Open Society Foundations. Millions and millions of your ‘charitable’ dollars have flowed into these organizations, financing their filth,” they continued.


The MRC executives named seven groups that they said received donations from Open Society Foundations that also issued statements justifying Palestinian terrorism targeting Israel or spreading false claims about the Jewish state.


The Middle East Children’s Alliance, for example, posted a message on October 8: “We are witnessing the people of Gaza rising up to respond to decades of Israeli settler colonial violence. The US govt bears responsibility for its political, economic & military support of this brutal apartheid regime.”


The Palestinian Institute for Public Diplomacy posted on October 9: “As the international community is once again calling for [Israel’s] right to defend itself, we must remember who is the oppressor and who the oppressed.”


“Given that your donations have gone straight into the bloodstream of those who seek to exterminate Jews and push Israel into the sea, it is clear that you have an even greater duty to purge yourselves of your transgressions,” the MRC letter says. “Therefore, we call on you to disclose each of your pro-Hamas grantees, publicly disavow every one of them, terminate all your funding to them, claw back previously-transferred donations, and end your war on Israel and the Jewish people worldwide.”