Anonymous ID: cefdba Oct. 16, 2023, 2:30 p.m. No.19746401   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Catholics and House GOP Question Bishops’ Cash Bonanza From Immigrant Smuggling

By JOSEPH D'HIPPOLITO Published on August 18, 2023

With no projected end to the chaos of illegal immigration at the Mexican border, some Congressional Republicans have decided to confront the religious agencies aggravating the problem — including Catholic Charities, which plays a pivotal role in human smuggling, as The Stream reported.

Even conservative Catholics are organizing to oppose their bishops’ support of open borders.

The Deposit of Faith Coalition held a press conference July 20 in Washington, D.C. to demand that Congress stop funding the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

The website Church Militant, one of the members, calls the coalition “a group of about a dozen Catholic or Catholic-led outfits.”


The USCCB not only funnels the grants it receives to such agencies as Catholic Charities. It encourages human trafficking to promote Pope Francis’ globalist agenda, as The Stream also reported.


The coalition’s press conference represents the latest in a growing backlash against the Biden Administration’s apathy and religious agencies’ social irresponsibility.


Enough is Enough

In December, Texas Republican Rep. Lance Gooden, a member of the House Judiciary Committee, asked Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas in a letter for “immediate access to all records and communication relating to your department’s border practices and regulations.”


The letter accused DHS of “allowing non-governmental organizations the freedom to aid and abet illegal aliens.” Two other Republicans, Texas Rep. Jake Ellzey and Wisconsin Rep. Tom Tiffany, signed the letter.


Gooden also sent letters to Catholic Charities, Jewish Family Services and the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service.

Gooden accused those agencies of “violating federal law and regulation, placing migrants and American communities at risk, and subjecting local communities to unreasonable burdens.”


As a result, Gooden wrote, Congress would investigate those agencies, which must preserve records of federal reimbursement for food, shelter, transportation, medical care and “various supportive services.”


“Taxpayers should not be subsidizing any organization facilitating the movement of illegal immigrants across our border,” Gooden wrote.

“When NGOs transport unauthorized aliens into the nation’s interior, it becomes increasingly difficult for federal immigration enforcement agencies to monitor their whereabouts and protect our communities.”


When Mayorkas failed to comply, Gooden repeated his request in a second letter on May 15.

This time, the co-signers were California Rep. Tom McClintock, chairman of the House Subcommittee on Immigration Integrity, Security and Enforcement, and Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee.


Two weeks earlier, on May 2, Florida Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart sponsored a border security bill that included provisions to eliminate FEMA’s Shelter and Services Program, which helps migrants awaiting resolution of their status and received $800 million for this year.

In March, a report from the Office of the Inspector General found that 18 local agencies in four states misused $12.9 million they received under the program and failed to provide records for $7.4 million of that total.


The USCCB responded with a campaign to oppose Diaz-Balart’s bill, even providing pre-written letters. But it passed the Republican-led House and awaits its reception in the Senate, which Democrats control.


The Federal Gravy Train

If passed, the bill could dramatically decrease Catholic agencies’ share of federal immigration funding.

As The Stream reported, those agencies received a total of $3.053 billion between 2008 and 2022.

During that period, Catholic Charities collected $1.86 billion, while the USCCB got $1.113 billion in direct federal grants, the fifth largest total among all agencies.

From that $1.113 billion, the USCCB gave $586 million to Catholic Charities.

Anonymous ID: cefdba Oct. 16, 2023, 2:32 p.m. No.19746406   🗄️.is 🔗kun


by Joseph D'Hippolito • • August 21, 2023

Catholic Charities fueling illegal immigration


With no projected end to the chaos of illegal immigration at the Mexican border, some congressional Republicans have decided to confront the religious agencies aggravating the problem — including Catholic Charities,

which plays a pivotal role in human smuggling, as The Stream reported.


Even conservative Catholics are organizing to oppose their bishops' support of open borders.

The Deposit of Faith Coalition held a press conference July 20 in Washington, D.C., to demand that Congress stop funding the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

The website Church Militant, one of the members, calls the coalition "a group of about a dozen Catholic or Catholic-led outfits."


The USCCB not only funnels the grants it receives to such agencies as Catholic Charities.

It encourages human trafficking to promote Pope Francis' globalist agenda, as The Stream also reported.


The coalition's press conference represents the latest in a growing backlash against the Biden administration's apathy and religious agencies' social irresponsibility.

In December, Texas Republican Rep. Lance Gooden, a member of the House Judiciary Committee, asked Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, in a letter, for "immediate access to all records and communication relating to your department's border practices and regulations."

The letter accused DHS of "allowing non-governmental organizations the freedom to aid and abet illegal aliens." Two other Republicans, Texas Rep. Jake Ellzey and Wisconsin Rep. Tom Tiffany, signed the letter.


Gooden also sent letters to Catholic Charities, Jewish Family Services and the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service.

Gooden accused those agencies of "violating federal law and regulation, placing migrants and American communities at risk, and subjecting local communities to unreasonable burdens."


As a result, Gooden wrote Congress would investigate those agencies, which must preserve records of federal reimbursement for food, shelter, transportation, medical care and "various supportive services."


"Taxpayers should not be subsidizing any organization facilitating the movement of illegal immigrants across our border," Gooden wrote.

"When NGOs transport unauthorized aliens into the nation's interior, it becomes increasingly difficult for federal immigration enforcement agencies to monitor their whereabouts and protect our communities."