Anonymous ID: 0bf947 June 30, 2018, 2:25 p.m. No.1975260   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You mean President Trump's team appears to have conflicts of interest. Mueller is working for POTUS and has been the entire time. Leftists know President Trump is innocent and that there was no collusion or obstruction. Their only hope to remove him from office is through corrupt measures. Mueller was instructed by POTUS to stack the special counsel with the most biased corrupt leftists. These people were already arrested and were given plea deals to keep quiet. They have ZERO authority on the special counsel. They are there for one purpose only, to give the appearance of a rigged special counsel. Leftists love rigging and corruption. Therefore, they love the special counsel. They have worshipped Mueller for over a year now. When he drops the hammer and exposes Obama's treason, the leftists will have to believe every bit of the evidence he presents.