Anonymous ID: 7baa17 June 30, 2018, 2:32 p.m. No.1975346   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5364 >>5416



Hollywood is controlled by ONE bloodline family. All the owners of all the CREATIVE AGENCIES are cousins in this one bloodline. Almost all of the A-list celebs who are actors, musicians (not just pop) or sports stars are the property of one of these CREATIVE AGENCIES. These a-list celebs are people, however they truly are OWNED LIKE CATTLE because they are all MK Ultra Mind Control Slaves. They have no choice in what they do in their lives, where they perform, where they make public appearances, their boyfriends/girlfriends or spouses. All is decided by the owner. That includes their sexual partners. Macho sports stars take it in the ass or suck cock at private parties because that is what the owner orders them to do. If you have never heard of Beta Kitten sex slave programming, time to learn.


Of course, all these cousins, being Illuminati bloodline, are all bisexuals. And all are pedophiles at least some of the time, because this is how they CONDITION young people who are potentially the next generation of A-list stars. This softens them up, so to speak.

Anonymous ID: 7baa17 June 30, 2018, 2:42 p.m. No.1975488   🗄️.is 🔗kun



We are being controlled by Hollywood stars.

We do not realize that they are all players in a grand plan of the Noetic World Order.

Noetic Science is the science of manipulating the minds of people to control their emotions, their thoughts, and to get their free consent to use them as SHEEP. You'll get more flies with honey than with vinegar. We are the flies, Hollywood stars are the honey. When we worship these stars we are freely giving up our logical rational mind. We freely consent to hand over our mind, and our very being to the cabal for them to RAPE us as they see fit.


Their goal is to be able to have gigantic worldwide events on live TV in which stars perform and build up our emotions to a crescendo of desire for a particular outcome, whatever the cabal has decided. At the peak of emotion, we will witness actual real human sacrifices. This is how Noetic Science harnesses our will and our intent to bring into physical reality a certain desired outcome. This is utter slavery for the sheep.




This is the real Triumph of the Will. We no longer control our will but allow the cabal to direct and control it. It is no accident that Leni Riefenstahl entitled her 1936 film about the Nuremberg Rallies, Triumph Des Willens. Can you guess the English translation?


Watch that film

Then learn about the subgroup of Nazis who were occultists and who, like Aleister Crowley in the British Empire, were striving to perfect Noetic Science.


We are on the threshhold of losing EVERYTHING. The only way out, is to wake up, to take back our LOGICAL, RATIONAL minds and to WALK AWAY from the Noetic World Order that (((they))) have planned for us.


#WalkAway #GreatAwakening