Anonymous ID: 97a10f June 30, 2018, 2:13 p.m. No.1975098   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>1973815 (lb)


As confirmed by Q now, TG is NOT going to be SCOTUS. Ever. He's a prosecutor through and through.


I think the logical conclusion is he's going to step into a position where he CAN prosecute. AG or even DAG isn't that! They don't do the actual prosecutions because they're too bureaucrat. TG wants to be IN THE COURTROOM.


Remember, anons, 35K+ sealed indictments! TG is going to be VERY busy prosecuting, in the courtroom. I personally think he's going to be the one to prosecute Hussein and HRC. C'mon, who would be a better choice? The guy already knows all the details from Benghazi and all of this current mess. His performance in the RR hearing wasn't his typical self because frankly, I think he's had enough of it all. He gave his summary statement without asking any actual questions because he knows the case has already been made. I think from here on out, we're going to see less of the attack dog we're used to because he's going to save it all for the actual prosecutions.


Hey, I could be wrong, but it seems the most logical thing to me. If I were wronged (which we all have been), I'd want TG to prosecute the slime who wronged me, wouldn't you? I wouldn't want him to be a pencil pusher behind the scenes, but directly IN THE COURTROOM slicing and dicing as he does so well.