Anonymous ID: 09f1d5 Oct. 16, 2023, 6:46 p.m. No.19747874   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7889 >>7902 >>8277 >>8289 >>8428 >>8541



Biden leaves Americans trapped in Israel to fend for themselves as war breaks out


President Joe Biden is currently the target of a massive backlash as distressing stories of American Jews trapped in the middle of the violent Hamas onslaught in the Gaza Strip emerge. Apparently, the U.S. administration had no contingency plans to save its people – no immediate support whatsoever. The people needed to fend for themselves.


One of those who happened to be in Israel when the attacks started was former congressional staff and Communications Manager for the nonprofit American Accountability Foundation Yitz Friedman and his wife. The couple was there for their honeymoon as newlyweds. At the same time, they were celebrating a religious holiday at a synagogue near Jerusalem. In the middle of the service, the rabbi announced that reservists should check their phones for orders because the war just broke out.


It was not long before he realized that it was extremely dangerous for them as Hamas terrorists were hunting down American and Israeli citizens for executions or hostages. Just when they were scrambling to flee the country, an alert came that their return flight to America on Sunday was canceled as all major U.S. airlines had already suspended operations in the country.


"We called our embassy there. We called our government," he said during his interview at "John Solomon Report."When I called them, they were very cold. They were dismissive. And they basically told me to go online and 'check out the flights yourself.'"


Mixed emotions of fear, sadness, and anger fill American Jews who found themselves trapped in the terrible situation as the Biden administration offered no evacuation help, even as other countries extricated their own citizens after a few days.


Rep. Mike Lawler, (R-N.Y.), who represents a district with a large Jewish population who visit Israel often, demanded Biden's regime move military planes into Israel to get our residents out. "I have hundreds of residents in the 17th Congressional District of New York who are currently stranded in Israel. And they were there for the holidays. And you know, obviously, they have family there, many of them. But they want to come home, understandably. And we need to do everything we can to get them out as quickly as possible," the lawmaker told Solomon during the podcast. "It's been very frustrating."


He added that he also called the White House numerous times, the State Department, and the Department of Transportation. He has also spoken with three major airlines. "It's a challenge here," Lawler lamented. Then, they were told during the Wednesday closed-door briefing that an evacuation plan for remaining U.S. citizens stranded in Israel was belatedly "in the making." "We had a classified briefing this morning," he said that day. "It was indicated that there would be an announcement forthcoming in the next 24 hours on this particular issue. The State Department later that day released a statement on X telling Americans still in Israel to try to catch a flight on a foreign airline "We are also exploring contract options to facilitate U.S. citizen travel to nearby countries."


The Friedmans eventually got a flight home on a United Arab Emirates flight. It was made possible by the former Presiden Donald Trump administration's Abraham Accords, which opened free travel between Arab neighbors as well as Israel. "President Biden had basically abandoned us and told us to fend for ourselves,"he lamented. "And we were only able to get out thanks to something that President Trump did. The only reasonable tickets that we were able to find were tickets to the United States on Emirates Airlines to Dubai."


It’s all coming back: The U.S. failed to help Americans in Afghanistan when they decided to pull out in 2021


Appearing on "Just the News, No Noise," Rep. Harriet Hageman, (R-Wy) said that the slow evacuation help was predictable but unacceptable for an administration that has fumbled foreign crises dating to Afghanistan. "This is a tragedy, beyond tragedies, and this administration, they're not even doing much to get our own citizens out," she said. "We have citizens who are being held hostage, in addition to which there are all of the folks who have dual citizenship. It's like, yeah, you know, what if you didn't catch an airplane out of Israel? Good luck, that's probably a way to go! Who would ever take that kind of an approach as a leader?"


She added that the administration's policies are so poor that what they spend a lot of their time trying to do is distance themselves from having to make decisions. "And then when they make decisions or something goes bad, they spend all this time attempting to blame someone else for it. So, it isn't as though they step up to take responsibility."


Critics could not help but look back at the painful memories of the same failures in helping American citizens when Afghanistan was falling to the Taliban as the U.S. withdrew from that country in August 2021.


In April, the Biden administration released a 12-page report accepting blame for failing to arrange earlier evacuations for Americans and promised reforms for future crises. "Clearly we didn't get things right here with Afghanistan with how fast the Taliban was moving across the country,"White House spokesman John Kirby said at the time. More than five months later, there were no signs of reform and lessons learned as the country tackled the Israel crisis, almost a week into the war.


(Related: UNANSWERED QUESTIONS: Why has there been ZERO video footage of the raids on the US embassy in Afghanistan or interviews with Americans supposedly rescued by the Biden Regime?)

Anonymous ID: 09f1d5 Oct. 16, 2023, 7:06 p.m. No.19747951   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8277 >>8289 >>8428 >>8541

October 16, 2023


Another blow for the left: Ecuador elects a conservative new president

By Monica Showalter


First Australia and New Zealand over the weekend, and now that it’s Monday, it’s another bad day to wake up a leftist.


Over in Ecuador, where an assassination took out a conservative frontrunner to its presidential race just weeks before the vote, another right-winger stepped up to the plate to openly and directly reject socialism — and sure enough, got elected, 52.3-47.7.


According to the Financial Times:

Daniel Noboa has won Ecuador’s presidential election as the South American country battles an unprecedented crime wave and an ailing economy. Noboa, a centre-right former lawmaker, beat leftist rival Luisa González in a run-off election on Sunday, taking 52 per cent of the vote with 93 per cent counted. “Tomorrow your new president of the republic will get to work,” Noboa, who will take office in December, told supporters on Sunday night. Noboa campaigned on a market-friendly platform of youth employment and promoting foreign investment. The 35-year-old served a short stint as a lawmaker, from 2021 until May this year, and chaired the economic development commission in Congress. Before that he held management roles at Noboa Corp., the family business.


Obviously, the election was about ideas, not personalities, given the handicaps Noboa had as the son of a banana baron and a late entrant to the presidential race. The voters didn’t care about those things, though; they just wanted to get rid of the socialism.


The Associated Press’s account was snottier and more cynical than most, suggesting that no one would ever want to vote for such a candidate…until people did:

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — Daniel Noboa has managed to do what his father failed at five times: Getting elected as Ecuador’s president.


And Noboa did it Sunday on his first attempt, winning a runoff election against a leftist lawyer on the resume of a 35-year-old who belongs to the South American country’s elite, which means some schooling in the U.S., some entrepreneurial work, some dabbling in politics.


Obviously, the voters knew what they wanted, choosing prosperity and free markets, plus a crime cleanup, over the tax-and-spend policies of the left, which has left Ecuador grossly indebted to China and a major shipper of illegals fleeing the country in search of work. The voters had to have been completely sick of the left, which ran a seemingly attractive woman as its candidate, who vowed to take instruction from former leftist Ecuadorean president Rafael Correa, an unabashed ally of Hugo Chávez, until internal polls suggested she distance herself from him, and she got kind of quiet.


It fooled no one.Last night, it was all about Make Ecuador Great Again.


This brings up the issue of President Trump. Is Noboa a Trump-admirer? Is this another Trump-wave election? I did a lot of searching and couldn’t find any statements from Noboa, either pro or con, on President Trump, so I don’t know. But Noboa’s vice president, Veronica Abad, is something else. According to a Google Translate of a piece from El Universo, the main newspaper in Ecuador:

She defines herself as a classic liberal and pro-life woman. She is part of the Latin American Liberal Forum. She tunes in with some ideals of the Argentine economist and presidential

candidate Javier Milei. In September 2022 she attended the conversation that Milei offered in Quito. In previous years, on her social networks she has expressed her support for the far-right former presidents Donald Trump, of the United States, and Jair Bolsonaro, of Brazil, as well as the Spanish party VOX.


That puts her in the same wave as Trump and Milei, taking the lessons of economic growth, rule of law, and prosperity that come of the Trump agenda as a blueprint for their own countries…..


The left must be having conniption fits over that half-life of Trump taking over its Latin American playground. As if these victories were not bad enough, it’s notable that two of the left’s banner leaders — Gustavo Petro of Colombia and Gabriel Boric of Chile — sport poll numbers at abysmally low levels, meaning voters are tired of their act, too.


Bottom line here is that Trump’s ideas certainly are winning elections in South America and Oceania, even as Joe Biden attempts to shut Trump out from the presidency here.

It seems to be catching. Let’s hope its next stop will be Argentina next week and, further down the road, the U.S.


The trend is our friend.