Anonymous ID: b3be0e Oct. 16, 2023, 7:37 p.m. No.19748134   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8146 >>8277 >>8428 >>8541

Trump Derangement Syndrome Sufferer Robert De Niro Insists Hillary Clinton Won the 2016 Election


“It upsets me so much that somebody like him could get so far in our political system. Many New Yorkers were on to what a fool he is, a joke. But when the country started buying it? I mean, he didn’t win by much. He didn’t win the popular vote. She won. But look what happened. What’s scary is it’s such a fragile thing, to swing like that. And the odd thing about Trump is that if he had any brains he could have become president again. But he doesn’t care. He did stupid things. He’s not somebody who should ever be allowed close to leadership in this country again.”

Anonymous ID: b3be0e Oct. 16, 2023, 7:39 p.m. No.19748144   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8187 >>8277 >>8289 >>8428 >>8541

UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak Declares Support for Hamas a Crime Punishable with Up to 14 Years in Prison


British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak told reporters on Monday that support of Hamas is a crime punishable with up to 14 years in prison.


Sunak made the remarks this morning during a visit to a Jewish school in London.


PM Rishi Sunak: I’m determined to ensure that our Jewish community is able to feel safe on our streets. There is no place in our society for antisemitism, and we will do everything we can to stamp it out and where it happens, it will be met with the full force of the law.


Reporter: Now, you were asked by one of the children just now, where is the line between protesting for Palestinians and supporting Hamas? It’s a great question. What’s your answer?


Rishi Sunak: Hamas is a prescribed terrorist organization. It’s very clear under the law that support and glorification of halas is illegal, and those offenses are punishable with up to almost 14 years in jail. The police have that guidance. They know that. That’s why I met with them specifically last week in advance of this weekend’s protest, to make sure they were crystal clear about was okay and what’s not okay. But it’s not just about Hamas more broadly, actions that incite violence or star up religious hatred and racial violence are also not acceptable. And that’s why, as I said, there’s no place in our society for that type of hatred and division, and it will be met with the full force of the law where it happens.

Anonymous ID: b3be0e Oct. 16, 2023, 7:50 p.m. No.19748209   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8277 >>8289 >>8428 >>8541

Independent Investigators Net Hundreds Of Child Predator Suspects, Arrests Made


Over the past three years, Predator Poachers, a Texas-based group founded in 2020 by now-23-year-old Alex Rosen aimed at preventing child sexual abuse, has identified approximately 500 online child predators, resulting in nearly 300 arrests in 43 states.


Many cases are still pending and there have been convictions in more than half of the country—including a decades-long prison sentence for a former Virginia firefighter announced Sept. 20 by the Department of Justice.


A 2022 sting operation conducted by the group of independent journalists targeting Virginia-based Christopher Scott Jones, led law enforcement to uncover a trail of his underage victims.


Using a decoy pretending to be an 11-year-old girl, the group communicated with Mr. Jones for several months via social media platforms, text messaging, and phone and video calls before the discussion turned criminal, and the 40-year-old firefighter suggested meeting in person for nefarious reasons.


“It took months for him to get sexual … he’s very careful about the targets he’s choosing,” Mr. Rosen told The Epoch Times. “Our decoy Ashley did a tremendous job to convince him,” that she was real.


Instead of a young child, Mr. Jones was met by 6-foot, 4-inch tall, 300-pound Mr. Rosen and his crew of photographers ready to document the encounter.


After initially trying to avoid a conversation, the suspect eventually allowed Mr. Rosen and a cameraman into his truck, where he spent more than two hours denying the evidence before relenting and admitting why he was there.


“He was lawyer-speaking to me the whole time,” Mr. Rosen said. “It wasn’t until the end that he admitted that he wanted to have sex with the 11-year-old.”


Ultimately, Mr. Jones was arrested and charged with attempted rape of a child, upon which authorities discovered evidence of additional crimes.


After turning the information over to the Federal Bureau of Investigation field office in Norfolk, Virginia, three minors the suspect had previously sexually assaulted were identified, leading to further charges.

Anonymous ID: b3be0e Oct. 16, 2023, 8:23 p.m. No.19748430   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8452 >>8467 >>8468 >>8473 >>8475 >>8541

Ministry Of Bulls**t Tries To Cancel Orwell As The Telegraph Follows 'Orwellian' Formula


There aren't many 'chef's kiss' moments these days, but The Telegraph just came close.


In a widely panned article, The Telegraph, which is owned by British elites, just tried to cancel George Orwell for being a "sadistic, misogynistic, homophobic and sometimes violent" person whose life was "at odds with the "decency" of his writing."


The claims come from the biographer of Orwell's wife, Anna Funder, who took some serious liberties in drawing her conclusions.


Funder includes in her book letters that O’Shaughnessy wrote to a friend, Norah, discussing her marriage.


In one, she said that she wanted to visit Norah but found it difficult because Orwell would either claim to be ill, requiring her to stay at home and tend him, or contact her while she was away, requesting that she come home again.


Funder cited it as evidence that O’Shaughnessy was being kept in a “controlling environment”.


There's no other evidence presented for any of the claims in the headline, but hey - we guess you'll just have to buy her book.


Reactions to The Telegraph's attempt to cancel Orwell were severe and warranted, and the outlet's original post on "X" received a blistering 'ratio' (more comments than 'likes').