The Savior Messiah Buddha ID: 819d9e The Divine Guaranteed World Peace Solution Will Be Released In This Condition Only Oct. 16, 2023, 8:10 p.m. No.19748347   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Divine Guaranteed World Peace Solution Will Be Released In This Condition Only


After the most chaos war break out in Israel Palestine, I think I need to give the final chance for all beings entities who may interested in the divine world peace solution.


As you know the conflict between Israel Palestine are exist from thousand years ago and the most problem on Earth around land border.


Before I did give you guys gals 1 (one) opportunity but no beings, no entities take it serious and after that deadline few days, the war between Israel Palestine happened. And I can tell you they are only going get worse and worse !


Now it is my new conditions to release the divine guaranteed working world peace solution:

– For Free: I need direct request, communication from top world military and big nations such as NATO, United State, European Union, China, Russia, India.


– For Paid: I need minimum donation of $45,000 USD (Forty five thousands US Dollar) .


The using rule:

– Only allow for read-only mode, do not allowed to buy/sell/share/trade to all beings entities under all circumstance.


– In order to implementing or publish public in real life, all national government/group are required to contact me directly in-person to seek my special permission.


The deadline: October 27th 2023 (27 – 10 – 2023) .


I will release the divine guaranteed world peace solution from October 29th 2023 to November 15th 2023 . The specific of date depend on the amount of “connection” I will receive from the rest of this world and my current personal situation.


If I receive minimum amount of $45,000 USD and above: I will release the divine world peace solution in full detail with explanation.


If I receive amount from $10,000 USD to under $45,000 USD then I will release it via short mode in 1-2 A4 paper (that is enough if you smart enough).


If none of those above 2 conditions met in time, I am not going to releasing it anymore under all circumstance unless top world military and government come to meet me in physical in-person and must meet my personal private condition too !


I understand that $45,000 is just a small amount of money like few bucks in the mindset of all parties who are currently involve the world conflicts (they have trillions dollar for sure).


Frankly I could request and ask for million billion dollar in this current situation but if asking them millions, they would reject due to their low level of mindset.


And that is the main reason why I must including the using rule of only reading mode but not allowed to implementing in real life.


In term of economic lesson, you can understand that there is endless demand but limited supply, thus the price must be “ultra high”.


Go and find if is there any person, beings, group can go self claimed “have world peace solution” to end the Israel Palestine, Russia Ukraine war ?!

Let’s alone a guaranteed working one !


You just cannot find any “potential helper” with with millions billions dollar bounty reward for sure !


Now it is not about the money anymore for if the Israel collapse and people die, they will lost many trillions for sure. Now they already lost many million billion everyday already.


So why don’t they spend little money to make a “gambling” into me, into a potential working solution that may save them money and their people, that may save the world from a total collapse?


Frankly I would and should raise the karma requirement to few million USD dollar instead but since I do not have direct communication contact info with top entities and top government thus I cannot do it.

For there is a chance some “good people” can only make donation of around $50,000 USD.


Remember the deadline October 27th 2023 (27 – 10 – 2023) .


After the deadline, there is no more help from me even the nuclear war break out, even the North Korea vs South Korea war occur.

Do not bet against me for there are super Gods Deities who “knew” everything in this current game of life that is observing and giving orders out.


You can contact me if you have any question, request.


Feel free to send, share this offer, message to all beings, entities who may interested in the information, knowledge, wisdom which I have.


Best Regard,

The Savior Messiah Buddha

The Lord Of Lords

The King Of Kings



https://ascension joy .com/10/2023/the-divine-guaranteed-world-peace-solution-will-be-released-in-this-condition-only/