Anonymous ID: 364e11 Oct. 17, 2023, 11:33 a.m. No.19751139   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1152

Don't believe the pundits who say the GOP in-fighting is hurting the government. Actually the Speaker pro-temp can keep the House running. Whether he chooses to do so or not - - whole different story.


This amounts to a pause in the standard practice of the old guard GOP leadership surrendering to the Dems like they do on a regular basis - so the Dems don't like having to wait to get their way and go back to business as usual.


This Speakership battle is important in that the MAGA House members are tired of business as usual and want systemic change in how things are done. Both the Dems and the RINO old guard want a return to business as usual. They want to punish Gatz by denying Jordan the Speakership and they don't want to lose their power in the big shift of political philosophy now threatening their control.


The way I see it, big things are happening behind the scenes. For the current power structure in the House, the Storm is NOW!

Anonymous ID: 364e11 Oct. 17, 2023, 11:39 a.m. No.19751180   🗄️.is 🔗kun


No one but Trump has a snowball's chance - - the primary was about who could unseat Trump (none can) and then the fallback position was who could get enough support to force a VP pick on Trump that he didn't want. (To plant their own VP in the administration then again work behind the scenes to impeach Trump again and again until one sticks.)


None of them have such support, so Trump can be true to himself and make a VP pick that 100% supports his agenda. A lot of RINO money down the drain. Guess their TDS is so bad, they lost objectivity and felt they had to try, once the other side cooperated and started all the suits and indictments.

Anonymous ID: 364e11 Oct. 17, 2023, 11:57 a.m. No.19751288   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1396 >>1409

Okay, the twenty angry children in the House got to throw their fit. Jordan lacked the votes for Speaker on the first try.


It took McCarthy how many??? (rhetorical question here, I can look it up if needed)


So are the children going to settle down or are they going to threaten to take their marbles and go home???


Time for some serious arm twisting behind the scenes and a come-to-Jesus meeting. If the twenty don't get their collective asses with the majority, there'll be hell to pay.


I think Gatz volunteered to be the sacrificial goat to get McCarthy out. He will pay a price, long term, because the more moderate GOP will never trust him or want to work with him again. Still, if this is the plan we see in motion, the old guard GOP has to be quivering in their boots.