It's both contrived and real.. What you see is what's going on.. there might be some claims and some BS stories in the mix.. but the Palestinians are committing what usually would be considered terrorist activity, and they have been the aggressors in the past.. and the israelies are committing what usually would be considered war crimes, and they have been engaging in false flags in the past.. both sides are lying, both sides are victims of eachother and themselves.. you either see the big picture or you don't.. Honestly they deserve eachother.. whether the US deserves it or not is debatable.. but we're not there.. we've always been an ocean apart.. We don't belong over there in any form or fashion. To say its a bigger threat to leave it to the locals than it is to over extend ourselves and push into their business is ridiculous… the only war crime that I can judge is the US war crime of getting dragged into these wars, and throwing a bunch of smoke and mirrors up everywhere… If the rest of the world wants to bathe in the blood of their next door neighbors, we should at maximum be selling them weapons, not buying them weapons.