Anonymous ID: 2e6243 June 30, 2018, 2:44 p.m. No.1975504   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5526 >>5790 >>5911

We are being controlled by Hollywood stars.

We do not realize that they are all players in a grand plan of the Noetic World Order.

Noetic Science is the science of manipulating the minds of people to control their emotions, their thoughts, and to get their free consent to use them as SHEEP. You'll get more flies with honey than with vinegar. We are the flies, Hollywood stars are the honey. When we worship these stars we are freely giving up our logical rational mind. We freely consent to hand over our mind, and our very being to the cabal for them to RAPE us as they see fit.


Their goal is to be able to have gigantic worldwide events on live TV in which stars perform and build up our emotions to a crescendo of desire for a particular outcome, whatever the cabal has decided. At the peak of emotion, we will witness actual real human sacrifices. This is how Noetic Science harnesses our will and our intent to bring into physical reality a certain desired outcome. This is utter slavery for the sheep.




This is the real Triumph of the Will. We no longer control our will but allow the cabal to direct and control it. It is no accident that Leni Riefenstahl entitled her 1936 film about the Nuremberg Rallies, Triumph Des Willens. Can you guess the English translation?


Watch that film

Then learn about the subgroup of Nazis who were occultists and who, like Aleister Crowley in the British Empire, were striving to perfect Noetic Science.


We are on the threshhold of losing EVERYTHING. The only way out, is to wake up, to take back our LOGICAL, RATIONAL minds and to WALK AWAY from the Noetic World Order that (((they))) have planned for us.


#WalkAway #GreatAwakening

Anonymous ID: 2e6243 June 30, 2018, 2:52 p.m. No.1975590   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5650



Why do you wish that Q would clarify?

So you can avoid having to think?

So you can exchange one slavemaster for another?

Haven't you noticed that Q warned us this would be tough?

Waking up is not easy

We are the vanguard, waking up first so that we can help the masses when SHTF.

But it is no good to pretend you are with us.

You actually have to WAKE UP!!!


Expand your thinking

You won't regret it.

Come, join us.

It is GLORIOUS over on this side.

Anonymous ID: 2e6243 June 30, 2018, 3 p.m. No.1975708   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5718



The name is not the important part

It is the PROCESS of digging, of making connections and of drawing a map that is important.

You cannot win by just sitting back and WAITING until someone else tells you what to do.

You have to step up, take control of your own life, of your own destiny


This is a process that never stops

When the Democrat party has faded into the past

There will still be evil people in the world

They will still try to fool you, pull the WOOL over your eyes and FLEECE you.

Your only defence is LOGIC

And willingness to dig and figure it all out

Anonymous ID: 2e6243 June 30, 2018, 3:14 p.m. No.1975911   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Subsets of the Nazis to dig

Occultists in general


Former freemasons - the Nazis said they had to leave their lodge to join the Nazi party


Vril Society - they seem to have attracted scientists



Dietrich Eckart , Karl Maria Wiligut , Guido von List

Anonymous ID: 2e6243 June 30, 2018, 3:23 p.m. No.1976029   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6039 >>6068 >>6132 >>6218



Do you realize that ultimately all this will make Hollywood collapse?


In order to avoid the negative economic impact of such a thing, we need to phase it in, and dribble out the arrests.


At the same time, we should be encouraging any and all independent film makers no matter how small scale they are today. If we can get lots of non-Hollywood films out there on themes that are consistent with MAGA, then there will be an entertainment industry to fill the vacuum left when Hollywood is gone. And it can be country wide, not just the lower left coast.


The way the Nov EO deals with assets, i.e. siezing them or freezing them before any arrests or subpoenas are filed, helps. I believe some of the shifts in ownership of Hollywood creative agencies are about this happening already. But the way ownership works, with webs of interlocking corporations, and involvement of other parties as investors, means that we need to protect the value of the businesses. People's pensions own shares in these businesses. The health of the economy affects everyone. So POTUS is quite wisely easing us into all of this. It is a process, not a quick fix.