Anonymous ID: 8dfff3 June 30, 2018, 3:27 p.m. No.1976094   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6105


We are.

They got scripts and shit all prepared. Pasting it on the front of every bread.

Really, the guilty scream the loudest. Only foreign group on this board shilling away.

What a coincidence.


They even tried to prune Solzhenitsyn notables.

Q needs to get around to shutting down jewish israeli lobby fast.

These fuckers will lie until their dying (((racist))) breaths about their intent.


Just watch these scum trying to use the Q drop TODAY, just TODAY, to their narrative and agenda.



"anyone who says anything critical of jewry is a divisionshill"



"anyone advocating hatred against muzzy rapists and jewish pedos and rapists who act on their racial agenda are racists and evil"






Only literally one fucking foreign racial/religious group shilling on here. ONE. No other.



"muhjooshill", "board volunteer will ban you", "slider"


Now literally trying to prune truth away from notables.


Enough is enough. We are not stopping until traitors are dealt with.


Board owner, is there some concern with board volunteer quite literally working in tandem with the only ever present astrosurfing jewish shills on this board? Did we turn into fucking reddit all of a sudden? What's with the overactive protection of obvious jewish elements? Are we REALLY letting these liars drive Q board and Patriot agenda?


Twisting the truth is the expertise of the enemy. Surely the results and lack of autists speak for themselves.


We know who the liars are, Patriot.


We are working for our peoples and Patriots, not "conservative" globalist shills and their useful idiots. Results tell the difference.


Response would be appreciated, Board owner. This is an inquiry since board volunteer seems to be fully collaborating with some of the obvious jewish anons in here.


in b4 (((I am not jewish at all, I am catholic))).

Anonymous ID: 8dfff3 June 30, 2018, 3:29 p.m. No.1976123   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6145


We are asking for board owner input. The board volunteer has a very obvious bias here, and it is honestly starting to glow.


(((they))) are even trying to prune obvious truths now.


We are well aware of who the liars are.