Anonymous ID: 828485 Oct. 17, 2023, 8:37 p.m. No.19754280   🗄️.is 🔗kun

19753922 (pb)

>The Zapruder Film. Guess where the film was sent that same day. Kodak Hawk Eye works. CIA Lab. Then sent to CIA. 4 versions of the film


One of the MAJOR tasks of the Kodak spooks was to somehow disguise the fact that the original film clearly showed JFK’s limo coming to a COMPLETE STOP an instant BEFORE the head shot.


The original film shows USSS limo driver hitting the break hard enough that the left side (facing JFK) Dallas PD motorcycle cop following the limo was forced to swerve along side the left rear fender to avoid hitting the car.


The strong speculation is that the USSS driver was signaled (by earwig) that JFK was STILL alive and that the driver needed to bring the limo to a very near stop in order to allow greater sniping accuracy.


Since USSS protocol is to accelerate at max AT FIRST SIGN OF ATTACK the conspirators would have a hard time explaining the USSS driver’s actions.


The other huge task of the Kodak spooks was to somehow reduce the dramatic movement of JFK’s head/body “back and to the left” which clearly indicates that the fatal head shot originated from the front. In this they totally failed.


BTW, a relatively unknown young local tv reporter, Dan Rather, was the ONLY reporter/person who was allegedly allowed to WATCH THE ZAPRUDER FILM over the “assassination weekend”. During an interview about what he saw, Rather lied by saying JFK’s head went FORWARD which was consistent with a shot from the rear from an open window on the 6th floor of the Texas Book Depository building.


Then again, how could Rather have seen the undeveloped 16mm film as Warren Commission testimony established that it had immediately been sent to the NYS Kodak spook lab?

Anonymous ID: 828485 Oct. 17, 2023, 8:53 p.m. No.19754341   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Jim Jordan 200


Jeffries 212


Fukton of “Others” (5 different GOP members)


DS coming down hard. Pelosi and Cheney scheming.


Anons have to melt their phone lines tomorrow once we get the list of new/old RINOs.