Anonymous ID: 6ea9f1 June 30, 2018, 3:44 p.m. No.1976307   🗄️.is 🔗kun



JIDF BTFO forever.


Let's all be wary of snowflakes, board owner.


Thank you for your correct decision, good Patriot.


That fucking cunt was literally turning this place into kikebook.





Anonymous ID: 6ea9f1 June 30, 2018, 3:46 p.m. No.1976330   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6362


That BV had it in for autists and was playing "leet hacxxor" or something.


I fucking love our leaf brothers but sometimes you lot turn out really fucking kike like snowflakes.


must be the clown influence from the crown.


Patriots, TOGETHER.

Anonymous ID: 6ea9f1 June 30, 2018, 3:50 p.m. No.1976365   🗄️.is 🔗kun


One more thing: I must say be VERY weary of the JIDF shills trying to influence your board volunteers. Some of us are working 24/7 on this board keeping an eye out, and they try to schoomze you, chat you up, to turn you guys against us.


We have the social graces of the rabid golden retrievers, niggers.


Because truth demands it so.


They love to lie.




Q drops today makes sense.


JIDF already moving to get close to other volunteers, let's stay alert.


MK ultra digs incoming. Time is right.

Anonymous ID: 6ea9f1 June 30, 2018, 4:12 p.m. No.1976656   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6702



SO MANY angles JIDF and black hat shills can use to attack us now.


They will try to LARP as autists and /pol/laks and spam hitler pics.


They will copy us from the past (syntaxes) etc. to demonize us.


They will interfere with BVs, identifying each of them and trying to see the 'triggers' that manipulates.


They will spam gay pics, flat earth, ses, AIM, etc.


They will twist Q drops to their advantage.


They will find out which commercial VPN we are using and try to use those to get banned/spam.


They will (((msm))) us with astrosurfing messages.


"muhjooshills" "muhdivisionshills"


"muhQsaid all counter semitic people are evil"




We are up against organized NGO/firm types with state backing. This is not a accident.


Q always comes on when we are kicking JIDF in the ass despite BV bans in the past.


WE, the people have nearly lost EVERYTHING.


We know there are more good than bad across all spectrums.


We know we need to get rid of psyop'd 4-6%.


We know what to do optics wise.


We can ID nigger retards and jewish cunts MILES away.


I am going to openly admit I was tempted (and did) match the (((shill))) tact jewish or not in the past, and tussled quite a bit.


This then is used to get to numerous BVs and even BO to turn against us who have manners and graces of a nigger on crack with no food for five days.


Fuck it all, we are NEVER giving up.









Anonymous ID: 6ea9f1 June 30, 2018, 4:16 p.m. No.1976707   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Because cucks suck their bull daddy cocks and want racial war to destroy the west.


Psyop works GENERATIONS deep.


even though 4-6% seems like a small number, if you concentrate that within specific demographics (age, gender, race etc), it actually comes out to being a majority in certain groups and ranges.


Those are rabid, subhuman like, easily used by the shills of the (((globalist))) evil.


We are not going anywhere. We are here.


We, the REAL decent people, the 94%, will WIN.

Anonymous ID: 6ea9f1 June 30, 2018, 4:23 p.m. No.1976782   🗄️.is 🔗kun


We autists are smarter than you think, you fucking flaming ass kike bitch.

We can ID snowflakes and kikes before you even type your second post.

We have 5-7 ID EACH BREAD playing literally both pro/counter jidf, semitic posts now that real autists are gone.


We see them trying to spread their own syntaxes to others, using their bullshit narrative and tone.


Trying to kike us.


Trying to jewify/black hat lead the newfags.


Let's see them try to walk this shit back.


I have not seen (((shills))) this much in a hurry to change tact since the post count bold script went up.


We are not going to argue anymore with JIDF cunts but we WILL be fucking gassing and exposing your cucked neutered shill asses specifically, even as you try to mimic us, deceive Patriots, and newcomers alike.


Autists never die, you fucking treasonous scum.



Anonymous ID: 6ea9f1 June 30, 2018, 4:41 p.m. No.1977037   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7053


There will come a day when you fuckers will not be able to walk down the street.


We see your efforts to (((shill))).


We see what you do.


We know you try to piss us off and turn BO and BVs against us. We know you try to copy us.


We know you try to influence existing BVs and insert your own into one.


You are sons of your father, the liar, and sins of your fathers you do.


You are here literally 24/7.


You are not fooling ANY of us.


Post 'muhnazishill' again, faggot.