BS in general each think and process diff which is why all bring good to the table! More things caught and understood . No no one needs to carry on about I’m a chick blah blah I’m a dude blah blah ..but that convo wasn’t even like that so stfu and do Q research not bitch get back in the closet crap
I had never in my life tell that moment seen a grown man hop around on his seat and be giggley goofy like someone stuck a woopie cushion up his tushy!! Much less in a court setting on camera…TELLING
Have her watch the matrix
Stop stop stop just STOP
Pfft maybe she should get off her ass and clean the house! Sry but women don’t need a gym they need to clean need to give her a reason to WANT to get up and do it and not be depressed
Anon get outta there it’s messin with your head
Are you new or just don’t understand ? I’d be happy to explain if it’s a must
You got banned for spamming up the bread with crap like this post…I remember because you argued then