Anonymous ID: d78b6e June 30, 2018, 3:52 p.m. No.1976392   🗄️.is 🔗kun




why did it took you months to convey your plan anyway?

you want america first whatever the colors, races or religions

thats dubious you cant solve such a complex equation with so many deadweights on your shoulder

fascism is the answer, sorry buddy


ponder why fascism is demonized, being anti fascist is trending

fascists are nationalists they love their country first and foremost

the exact opposite of what the cabal want

thats why antifa fags gets a free pass by the gov and the medias

antifa are part of the cabal we have the same enemies


fascists purge any threats they find subversive

i'm glad europe is waking up


>racists are paid by shariablue

people are racist for good reasons

are you living under a rock

ask the japanese how the fell about the koreans

ask in africa about the chinese or even whites

go to australia and ask people what they think of the abbos

i'm asking again, are you living under a rock ?

you won't stop racism just by saying racism is dumb

that's not how it works