Anonymous ID: fafe6e June 30, 2018, 4:17 p.m. No.1976712   🗄️.is đź”—kun


This. BO/BV wanna confirm? Wanna be sure myself because we were getting a massive slide of 'JIDF'/'nazi' stuff being yelled out back and forth then, to the point it was eating the majority of general bread. Happened a couple days ago as well, not sure if any bans occurred with the most recent one though. Just observed the slide and tried not to participate but it got pretty bad as far as division stuff goes. I tried to help diffuse the sliders a bit but might as well be pissing in the ocean, think that's when the BV started banning again. Anons can't see what all you guys see though…many like to pretend they can but anyone who browses here knows anons can just assume. Thanks for hard work guys.