Anonymous ID: 73c2a2 Oct. 19, 2023, 7:25 a.m. No.19762829   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2850 >>2877 >>2968

>>19762146 Emerald Robinson w/CAP: How many foreign spies are working at the Pentagon?PN


Read this to get an idea of how many spiesin WH, Pentagon, SOS, IC agencies and National Security advisors for WH and beyond:

19 Oct, 2023 00:22

Muslim staff afraid to discuss Israel at White House – media

Several officials reportedly deplore the “culture of silence” regarding Gaza and the Palestinians


Several staff members of the administration of US President Joe Biden, in particular those with Muslim backgrounds, are worried about retaliation if they question Israel’s conduct in Gaza, HuffPost reported on Wednesday.

The outlet cited several staffers “across multiple agencies, most of whom work on national security issues,” but did not identify any of them by name.


The days since the Hamas attack on October 7 have been “the first time in the administration that there was a real culture of silence,” one official said. “It feels like post-9/11 where you feel like your thoughts are being policed, and you’re really afraid of being seen as anti-American or an anti-Semite.”


Another, identified only as a career civil servant, said they were worried about the consequences of criticizing the president on social media.


“I feel like there’s no place for me in America anymore, and I’m on thin ice withmy clearance because of my heritage and because I care about my people dying,” the civil servant said.


Biden and the rest of the US leadership, including Secretary of State Antony Blinken, has pledged support for Israel in its ongoing war with Hamas.


“We must be crystal clear: We stand with Israel. And we will make sure Israel has what it needs to take care of its citizens, defend itself, and respond to this attack,” Biden said last week, later echoing the sentiment during a visit to Israel on Wednesday.


A person working in the administration told HuffPost thatthe “inner, inner circle” deciding US policy is “not at all diverse,”which defeats the point of having a variety of opinions at the table.


“Does that completely explain the monstrous disregard for innocent Palestinian lives? No, but it’s hard to think these things are entirely disconnected,” that person said.


The same person added that the Biden administration’s policy decisions “show stunning disregard for innocent Palestinians – and that same dehumanization is also reflected in how staff are being treated.” There was “so much care for some lives” abroad, and for “certain” staff, but not others.(utter nonsense, of course staff are favored and not factored, the fucking “Victim Mentality” are now embedded in the highest places of Government.)


Another official described “a chilling effect”among the staff, noting that it took them several days to muster the courage to argue it would be bad for the US “if we are seen as responsible for killing Palestinian children” and get into another Middle East war.


“There was awkward silence like a pin could drop, and I’m like, ‘Are they going to report me to the House Un-American Activities Committee’?” the official added. (Nonsense, what about Israeli children?)


A career bureaucrat with more than a decade’s experience in foreign policy described a culture of “self-censorship” among the younger staff in particular, who appear to be “shocked”by the difference between the Gaza response and the campaign rhetoric about human rights, or Ukraine.


White House personnel director Gautam Raghavan held a call with “current and former high-level Muslim appointees” on Sunday, according to one person who took part. The two main themes were reportedly “the risk of increased Islamophobia nationwide and a sense that Muslim staff in the administration were in danger.”


In an email to HuffPost, Raghavan denied the claim that he had called the Israel-Palestine policy process “broken,” insisting that he “only talked about how we could support and affirm our team members.”


Robyn Patterson, a White House spokesperson, told HuffPost that Biden has “assembled the most diverse presidential administration in history and is proud of the open, collaborative role his appointees play in advising onpolicy and strategy – including Muslim and Arab American team members.”She was the only other official quoted by name in the story.

Anonymous ID: 73c2a2 Oct. 19, 2023, 7:37 a.m. No.19762908   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2971

>>19762273, >>19762325 A lot of people sent me this heated exchange between General Flynn & Dave from X22


“Disinformation is necessary”


  1. What if all of the drops were meant to delude the DS only?

  2. What if all the drops enlightened us in what the DS does?

  3. What if some of the disinfo was intentional or not intentional to get citizens to “trust the plan” and not take actions?

  4. What if all of these things are true?

  5. And what if anons as researchers consider the contrary view?


We will never be done researching this period in our history and without a doubt an wakening WW occurred with Q and Anons; so we will still research without bias for any theories.

Anonymous ID: 73c2a2 Oct. 19, 2023, 7:54 a.m. No.19763021   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>19762584 Head of the IDF International Press Desk SpeaksPN


IDF member says at the end of the video, “just remember the whole world is watching”!



30-Aug-2018 11:20:12 PM EDT



“The whole world is watching.”


Anonymous ID: 73c2a2 Oct. 19, 2023, 8:03 a.m. No.19763090   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I thought “no outside comms” meant Q didn’t post to other boards or other people, it doesn’t seem to apply to the DS reading all of them, which they have proved many times over.


All my posts were questions not necessarily to have answers for, we may never know the answers. We can only assess the results and actions taken, and if victory or defeat comes from them. Both could happen, but we may analyze an overall benefit from them. Which is true to this day, “The Great Awakening” started and will continue!

Anonymous ID: 73c2a2 Oct. 19, 2023, 8:17 a.m. No.19763172   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3175 >>3241 >>3378 >>3461 >>3532 >>3595

Democrats Have a Palestinian Problem

By Aleks Phillips On 10/19/23 at 5:00 AM1/3

While Joe Biden has so far been steadfast in his support for Israel in the ongoing conflict with Hamas, a recent poll appears to show his voter base shifting its sympathies in the opposite direction—posing a potential problem for the likely Democratic nominee as he campaigns for a second term.


As of March, and prior to the current outbreak of violence in the region, a survey by Gallup showed that for the first time since 2001 the overall sympathies of Democrat voters had predominantly shifted from Israelis and toward Palestinians, seemingly caused by a large swing in sentiments by millennial voters.


Though the sympathies of Democrats of all ages had tended to shift toward Palestinians over time,those aged 23-43 had the largest swing in the most recent poll and are the only group where sympathies for Palestinians now outweigh those for Israelis.


This change has come as Biden has apparently sought to court younger voters with student loan forgiveness and policies to address climate change.


The survey lays bare a burgeoning divide between younger, progressive Democrats and the party's traditionally more pro-Israel base that could cause Biden and the wider party electoral headaches—infighting that Republicans could look to capitalize on. However, experts say that Biden's apparent disconnect from younger voters on the issue was unlikely at present to place his electoral hopes into jeopardy—though that could change, given the unpredictable nature of the conflict.


Michigan Microcosm


"The state where he will most likely face criticism from fellow Democrats over his stance on Israel will be Michigan, a key swing state with a large population of Palestinian-Americans, including Rep. Rashida Tlaib who has been critical of Biden's position," Julie Norman, professor of politics and international relations at University College London, told Newsweek. "His stance on Israel could lose Biden some votes in Michigan, though potentially secure others."


In 2020, Biden carried Michigan with little over 150,000 votes, granting him 16 electoral college votes. Michigan was one of the swing states that propelled him to the presidency. Ultimately Biden was only 44,000 votes in three other swing states—Georgia, Arizona, and Wisconsin—from a tie in the electoral college.


Since the violence began, Tlaib, along with other progressive Democrat representatives such as Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, have called on Biden to de-escalate the crisis and call for a ceasefire.


Tlaib, who is of Palestinian descent and has often criticized Israel's actions, told Biden on Tuesday: "Your war and destruction only approach has opened my eyes and many Palestinian Americans and Muslim Americans like me. We will remember where you stood."


In her home state, the Detroit suburb of Dearborn—which has the largest Muslim population in America—was host to a pro-Palestinian rally which accused Israel of "racist ethnic cleansing" and an "inhumane blockade" of Gaza. Abdullah Hammoud, the city's Democratic mayor, has said Israel's "illegal military occupation" of Gaza made "tragic violence inevitable," the same day militants attacked Israel, killing civilians including children.


Activists at the demonstration criticized leading Democratic politicians for their stance. "We made it possible for Biden to win Michigan, and now we are being spit on because we are standing with the Palestinians," Osama Siblani, one of the event's speakers, previously told Newsweek. "So, we are not going to forget."


"Debates over this issue in Michigan could become a microcosm for larger debates in the Democratic party over Israel-Palestine as the more progressive part of the party moves away from the Dems' traditional pro-Israel stance," Norman said.


"We can also expect Trump and other Republicans to attempt to exploit Democrat divisions over Israel, though it will likely be harder to paint Biden personally as weak on Israel after his stance in the past days," she added.


Newsweek approached the state Democratic Party and Republican Party for Michigan via email for comment on Wednesday.


Millennial Trouble


The Gallup survey is a sign that what is being played out in Michigan will soon be something the entire party has to reconcile. Between 2019 and2023, 46 percent of millennial Democrat voters sympathized with Palestinians to just 35 percent for Israel, a net sympathy score towards Palestine of 11 percent, it found.


By contrast, between 2011 and 2014,51 percent of respondents in the age group sided with Israelis to 26 percent for Palestinians—a net sympathy towards Israel of 25 percent…

Anonymous ID: 73c2a2 Oct. 19, 2023, 8:18 a.m. No.19763175   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3189 >>3241 >>3378 >>3461 >>3532 >>3595



As such, the successive polls suggest a 36-point shift in sentiments, meaning the overall view among Democrat voters between the two periods has shifted from a majority of 53-58 percent support for Israel to just 38 percent.


Despite this shift in sentiments among Biden's voter base, his rhetoric since Hamas launched a surprise assault on Israel on October 7 has been strongly supportive of Israel, even in the face of outcry from some over Israel's subsequent airstrikes.


Over the past week-or-so, Biden has said "Israel has a right to defend itself—full stop," that his administration's support for Israel "is rock solid and unwavering," and that Israel "has a right and a duty to respond to these vicious attacks."


He was also quick to agree with the assessment of the Israel Defense Forces, subsequently backed by U.S. intelligence, that Israel was not to blame for a still-disputed blast at a hospital in Gaza.


"It's true that Democrats no longer have a unified position on Israel/Palestine, with many young voters increasingly sympathetic to Palestinians," Norman said. "Biden has been a long-time defender of Israel, and that was clear in his forceful response to last week's attacks—though the administration is also taking steps to distinguish Hamas from Palestinians and to address humanitarian concerns."


The Biden administration has said it is helping coordinate humanitarian aid shipments to Gaza—though aid organizations have said they have been stopped at the border—writing on Sunday: "We must not lose sight of the fact that the overwhelming majority of Palestinians had nothing to do with Hamas's appalling attacks, and are suffering as a result of them."


It appears no accident that the results of the poll align with pro-Palestinian Democrats tending to be younger; Tlaib's progressive caucus, known as "The Squad," has an average age roughly 20 years younger than the rest of the House. Tlaib is also a member of the Democratic Socialists of America, whose New York chapter backed a pro-Palestinian rally a day after the Hamas attack, which provoked a backlash from some within the Democratic Party.


Christopher Phelps, a professor of American political history and elections at the University of Nottingham, suggested the growing internal divide arose from a shift from the Cold War being a primary geopolitical concern to social justice.


"You've got younger people coming up for whom the right-wing politics of Benjamin Netanyahu, the building of walls, is reminiscent of the apartheid state of South Africa, and who think the only way to justice and peace is a policy that includes more opportunity and freedom for Palestinian people," he said.


"They separate out the organizations [such as Hamas and Islamic Jihad] from the mass of Palestinians who are being victimized by the entire conflict," he added. "I doubt there's any sympathy whatsoever—except for possibly a lunatic fringe element—for Hamas's massacre of civilians, but it would be interpreted as a desperate, twisted response to conditions of other hopelessness in Gaza."


Both Norman and Phelps noted, though, that for young Democrat voters, the alternatives to Biden in the 2024 election are unlikely to be palatable, while the current conflict, unless there is an escalation, was unlikely to be at the forefront of voters' minds in 12 months' time.


"I doubt Biden loses votes over being so ardent in support of Israel," Phelps said. "The younger millennials are going to be more worried about Donald Trump taking office than they are about Biden's Israel policy."


Norman said that "while not all Democrats agree with Biden's position, this issue alone is unlikely to cost him many votes, mainly because it is not a defining priority issue for most voters. Furthermore, most Democrats who are more sympathetic to Palestinians know that Trump—or [the] GOP candidate—will likely take an even harder pro-Israel stance."


"For the typical American voter, this is not what people vote on," Phelps said. "People vote on the direction of the economy, on the culture wars—pertaining to gender, and sexuality, and race; they vote on the question of democracy versus stronger authority, or authoritarianism depending on your perspective. These are the sorts of things that are going to animate the voters when they go to the polls, not the Palestinian-Israeli conflict."

Anonymous ID: 73c2a2 Oct. 19, 2023, 8:21 a.m. No.19763189   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3241 >>3378 >>3461 >>3532 >>3595


The authors conclusion is just stupidthis article should be considered an illegal campaign contribution to Dems and Bidan



SHe suggested Biden could even attract some Jewish voters who had previously voted Republican, while Norman proposed he might win over some independents and moderates "looking for stronger U.S. leadership in the Middle East."


Independent Challengers


Biden does face independent challengers on his left flank whom younger voters could be attracted to, though. While Robert F. Kennedy Jr.—who recently announced he was dropping out of the Democratic primary to run as an independent—has sided with the president on the issue, Cornel West, who dropped out as a Green Party candidate to run as an independent, has been more even-handed in his criticism.


On Saturday, he criticized Biden's "baleful, one-sided comments" in an email seen by Newsweek. Norman suggested that while the issue might shift a few younger voters to support West, it was "unlikely enough to make a meaningful difference, especially in most of the crucial swing states."


"If it's Biden versus Trump, then I think those independent campaigns fade to insignificance," Phelps said. "The nature of howRepublican Party politics has become so extremist will just lead any doubters back into the Democratic fold just to stop Trump if that's what it comes down to."

Anonymous ID: 73c2a2 Oct. 19, 2023, 8:28 a.m. No.19763215   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3230 >>3241 >>3378 >>3446 >>3461 >>3532 >>3595

Donald Trump: Biden's Weakness and Incompetence Strengthened Iran—and HamasOpinion


ON 10/17/23 AT 4:57 PM EDT==


1/2 or 3

The barbaric and evil terrorist attacks on Israel are a horrific reminder that the world is safe when America is strong—but when we have a weak president in the White House, the costs can be greater than our worst nightmares.


If we hope to prevent further shedding of innocent blood, the United States must learn the painful lessons of these savage atrocities. As we pray for the Israeli people in this hour of anguish and give them our complete and total support, we must also confront the absolute failure of the Biden administration, whose incompetence and ignorance invited this heinous and deadly assault on civilization itself. The only thing Biden is good at is the weaponization of the justice system against his political opponents.


Every step of the way, Joe Biden has empowered and emboldened America's enemies the world over—and clearly none more so than the terrorist group Hamas, and their bloodthirsty sponsor, the villainous regime in Iran.


When I left office, Iran was weak, broke, and desperate to make a deal. I told other nations, including China, that if you buy oil from Iran, you can't do business in the United States. Virtually all complied. Iran's terrorist regime was careening toward bankruptcy, hemorrhaging money, and could barely pay the salaries of their radical Islamic thugs. I hammered Iranian oil exports down to a record low. But then Biden came in, loosened my sanctions, and today Iran is producing more than three million barrels a day. Iran went from making little money under me to raking in at least $80 billion a year under Biden.


Iran knew that Biden was soft, foolish, and able to be pushed around the very moment he assumed office. In May 2021, shortly after Biden eased sanctions, Iran's proxy Hamas launched over 4,000 missiles at Israeli population centers. Iran paid no price—and then Biden sat back for nearly three years while the Iranian regime accumulated $70 billion in oil wealth to help fund its terror network around the world.


On top of all this, just last month, Biden unfroze $6 billion of Iranian money in exchange for hostages—a ransom payment that set a terrible precedent and put a bounty on the heads of innocent people all over the globe.


Meanwhile, Iran and China strengthened ties with oil deals worth hundreds of billions of dollars.


Days ago, we saw the deadly consequences of these three years of breathtaking weakness and appeasement: the worst terror attack in Israel's history. Depraved savages rampaged through civilian communities house by house, torturing, raping, and maiming innocent men, women, and children. They kidnapped infants and the elderly and took them hostage to torture them some more. They had children tied up and shot. Babies murdered and burned.


The tens of billions of dollars that Biden allowed Iran to accumulate are now being used by Iran to finance this mayhem and murder.


Under my leadership, our approach was the exact opposite. The world was safe, peaceful, and calm—because the United States of America was respected and strong.


In four short years, I obliterated the ISISterritorial caliphate. I terminated its founder and leader, Al Baghdadi. I devastated the senior ranks of Al Qaeda. I stood up to the corrupt Iranian regime like no president in history. I withdrew from the horrendous Iran Nuclear Deal, and I imposed the toughest ever sanctions on the regime. I eliminated Iran's terrorist mastermind Qasem Soleimani, who was killing our soldiers and everyone else. We crushed the Iranian regime's finances and decimated their ability to fund terrorist proxies like Hamas and Hezbollah.


I also took a firm stand against Palestinian terrorists and terrorist sympathizers, cutting off hundreds of billions of dollars to the Palestinian Authority. When Biden took office, one of the first things he did was reverse this policy and ship $235 million American taxpayer dollars to the Palestinians—despite warnings from within his own government that this money would be used to fund Hamas's terror campaigns. He reportedly even gave $100,000 to a Palestinian university that describes Hamas terrorists as "righteous martyrs."


I was proud to be the best friend Israel ever had in the White House. I kept my promise, recognized Israel's capital, and opened the American Embassy in Jerusalem. I also recognized Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights.


In addition, we negotiated the historic Abraham Accords, through which multiple Arab countries normalized relations with Israel, leaving Iran increasingly isolated.

Anonymous ID: 73c2a2 Oct. 19, 2023, 8:30 a.m. No.19763230   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3241 >>3311 >>3378 >>3446 >>3461 >>3532 >>3595



ON 10/17/23 AT 4:57 PM EDT




What a difference a president makes.


When I return to the White House, I will once again stand with Israel 100 percent. The United States will fully support Israel in defeating, dismantling, and permanently destroying the terror group Hamas. And we will once again cut off money for UNRWA, the corrupt U.N. agency that has been helping fuel this conflict for decades…


I will once again turn on American oil—unleashing American Energy Independence as we were just three years ago.


In addition, I will immediately begin the process of building a state-of-the-art Missile Defense shield in America. Americans deserve an Iron Dome as well.


We will restore the Trump Travel Ban on entry by people from terror-plagued countries, territories, and places…


As President, I also suspended refugee resettlement when we entered office in 2017, and we will do it again. I banned refugees from Syria, I banned refugees from Somalia, and from all the most dangerous places in the world—and in my second term, we are going to expand each and every ban to keep America safe. We aren't bringing in anyone from Gaza or Syria or Somalia or Yemen, or Libya, or anywhere else that threatens our security.


I also issued a historic rule proclaiming that no refugees would be resettled in local communities without their consent, and we will reinstate that rule on Day One.


Next, we will implement strong ideological screening for all immigrants to the United States. No longer will we allow dangerous lunatics, haters, bigots, and maniacs to get residency in our country. If you empathize with Radical Islamic terrorists and extremists, you're disqualified. If you want to abolish the state of Israel, you're disqualified. If you support Hamas or the ideology behind Hamas, you're disqualified. And if you're a Communist, Marxist, or Fascist, you are disqualified.


In addition, we will aggressively deport resident aliens with jihadist sympathies. In the wake of the attacks on Israel, Americans have been disgusted to see open support for terrorists among the legions of foreign nationals on college campuses. Under the Trump administration, we will revoke the student visas of radical anti-American and antisemitic foreigners at our colleges and universities—and we will send them straight back home.


Likewise, the mobs of pro-Hamas barbarians we saw in the streets of New York and other cities last week have no place in America. Jewish mothers and fathers should never have to send their children to school fearing they will be shot or stabbed on a so-called "Day of Jihad". Under my administration, we will proactively send ICE to pro-jihadist demonstrations to enforce our immigration laws and remove the violators from our country. And we will continue the process we started in my first four years of stripping citizenship from criminals, terrorists, and immigration cheaters and frauds.


Finally, we will fully secure our border and begin the largest deportation operation in American history, including removing all the illegal aliens from countries that hate us and hate our values. Under Biden, terrorists and criminals are pouring in. We will stop them and remove them.


With Biden, Iranian agents have also been running our Iran policy under disgraced Iran envoy Robert Malley, a Hamas sympathizer who has pronounced the terror group misunderstood. Allegedly due to Malley's influence, Biden's State Department and Defense Department were reportedly infiltrated by people with close ties to Iran in highly sensitive positions. This should be regarded as one of the greatest national security scandals in American history—but the Fake News ignores it.


Under my administration, we will hunt down and remove all Iranian spies, agents, or suspected agents from the United States government.


This is how I will begin to undo the terrible damage Joe Biden has done and end the Biden betrayal of Israel. In the meantime, the entire world must stand with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Israel's war-time government as they seek to defeat these murderous enemies.


Under a Trump administration, Iran will once again be weak, Israel will once again be safe, and the United States of America will be stronger and more powerful than ever before.


Donald J. Trump was the 45th President of the United States.


The views expressed in this article are the writer's own.

Anonymous ID: 73c2a2 Oct. 19, 2023, 8:45 a.m. No.19763331   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3344 >>3354 >>3376 >>3378 >>3461 >>3532 >>3595

Sidney Powell pleads guilty in Georgia election interference caseWTF



Trump-aligned attorney Sidney Powell pleaded guilty to six misdemeanor counts in the Georgia 2020 election interference case Thursday after reaching a plea agreement with prosecutors, the second defendant in the sweeping case to do so.


Powell appeared before Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee to enter her plea, just days before her trial was scheduled to begin next week.


“How do you plead to the six counts of conspiracy to commit intentional interference with performance of election duties?” asked Daysha Young, a Fulton County prosecutor.


“Guilty,” Powell said.


McAfee accepted Powell’s plea and said that she cannot withdraw it. She was sentenced to six years of probation, a $6,000 fine and $2,700 restitution. She will also be required to “testify truthfully” in future proceedings and must turn over any documents requested by the district attorney’s office.


Powell was also required to submit a “letter of apology” to Georgia residents, which her lawyer indicated she had already done.


Powell is the second of 19 co-defendants in the case to plead guilty. The other 17, including Trump, have denied any wrongdoing.


Scott Hall, a bail bondsman who was also charged, pleaded guilty late last month to five counts of the same charge Powell did.


Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis (D) indicted Powell on seven charges in August, accusing her and the others of violating Georgia’s Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act statute by entering a months-long conspiracy to try to keep Trump in power following the 2020 election.


Powell’s other charges in the case relate to her alleged participation in an election machine breach at an elections office in Coffee County. Powell’s attorneys previously insisted she had no role in the Coffee County breach.


Young said Thursday that if the case had gone to trial, the state would have proven Powell entered a conspiracy to “intervene with the performance of election duties” of Misty Hampton, a co-defendant and the elections director for Coffee County.


“The purpose of the conspiracy was to use Misty Hampton’s position to unlawfully access secure elections machines in Coffee County, Ga.,” Young said.


Powell was set to go to trial beginning next week alongside fellow Trump-aligned attorney Kenneth Chesebro. Both invoked their speedy trial rights, enabling their cases to move along a faster timeline than the other 17, who will be tried at a later date.


Her decision to plead guilty means Chesebro will proceed to trial alone, meeting his previously sought goal of severing his trial from Powell and all other defendants.


The guilty plea came in the wake of McAfee denying Powell’s various attempts to toss the indictment ahead of trial. The first potential trial jurors are set to be summoned to the courthouse Friday.


Once a lawyer for Trump’s campaign, Powell became a powerful surrogate for the former president’s false claims of election fraud. She earned the nickname “Kraken” after issuing fiery speeches comparing the mythological creature to the alleged fraud.

Anonymous ID: 73c2a2 Oct. 19, 2023, 8:58 a.m. No.19763402   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3408 >>3461 >>3532 >>3595

Opinion: Israel's Four Options for Gaza Shared by Former Netanyahu Adviser 1/2

By David Brennan On 10/19/23 at 8:08 AM

Israeli troops are massing around the Gaza Strip as warplanes pummel the impoverished and besieged coastal region ahead of the fourth major Israel Defense Forces ground offensive into the area in less than 20 years.


This time, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed that the IDF will wipe Hamas "off the face of the Earth." But Israeli officials have been less forthcoming on who or what will replace the Islamist militant group.


"There are four options,"Yaakov Amidror, who served as Netanyahu's national security adviser from 2011 to 2013, told Newsweek in an interview, as the Israeli ground offensive looms. All paths, Amidror said, include a punishing Gaza campaign.


"I would even dare to say thatno one would forgive the government if it will not be ended with a huge ground forces attack on Gaza," he explained.


Previous incursions into the Strip—sporadic since occupying Israeli forces withdrew from the area in 2005 amid the Oslo Accords peace talks—have produced significant casualties among Israeli troops, Palestinian militants and Gaza's 2.3 million civilians.


The unprecedented nature of Israel's airstrike campaign, underway since October 7, suggests this ground attack will be even more punishing for all those involved.


Gaza After Hamas


Netanyahu and his wartime coalition partners consider the brutal unfolding response to the killing of more than 1,400 Israelis—and the kidnapping of around 200 people—a political necessity in a country shocked by the worst terror attack in its short and violent history.


"Operation Swords of Iron," as the IDF has named its campaign, has already killed 3,478 people in Gaza, the Associated Press reported, citing figures from the Palestinian Health Ministry in Gaza. More than 12,000 have been wounded, 1,300 people are feared buried under rubble, and more than 1 million have been displaced.


The outcome of the imminent IDF invasion appears a foregone conclusion. The gulfbetween Israeli and Palestinian—meaning Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and a collection of smaller groups also expected to take up arms in the Strip—forces is stark.


Hamas, if it survives, will likely do so as a badly degraded force.Gaza—already a failing statelet after 15 years of Hamas rule and blockade by Israel and Egypt—will be left ravaged. With little apparent Israeli desire to re-establish a permanent military presence, the prospect of a dangerous power vacuum looms.


Newsweek has contacted a Hamas spokesperson by WhatsApp to request comment. An IDF spokesperson told Newsweek the force doesn't comment on its operational plans.


Renewed direct Israeli occupation, Amidror said, "will be a huge mistake, and I think that we should not do it.But it's an option." The next two alternatives, he added, involve bringing in outside powers, either Palestinian or as part of an international coalition.


The Palestinian Authority (PA)—led by President Mahmoud Abbas and dominated by his Fatah party—still holds nominal sway in the Israeli-occupied West Bank. Hamas' downfall could be an opportunity for the PA, Amidror said, to reverse the 2007 coup in which Hamas wrestled control of the Gaza Strip from Fatah.


"They expelled members of Fatah, they killed some of them, they pushed them from roofs, they shot them in the knees,"Amidror said of the violent takeover, which came shortly after the 2006 Palestinian legislative electionsin which Hamas emerged as the largest party. "Maybe there could be a chance for the Palestinian Authority to come in," he said…

Anonymous ID: 73c2a2 Oct. 19, 2023, 8:58 a.m. No.19763408   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3461 >>3532 >>3595




But any effort by the Fatah-led PA to retake control will be complicated by continued support for Hamas among Gazan civilians, as well as the group's significant influence in the West Bank. A Washington Institute poll from July 2023 foundthat 57 percent of Gazans held a "somewhat positive" opinion of Hamas.


Foreign assistance, Amidror added, might also be a workable solution, though any international partners will face a high-risk environment.


"The third option is there will be any kind of international committee: money from the Gulf, experts from the West, and someone will take responsibility for going in and rebuilding, because it will be a devastating situation in Gaza," Amidror said.


'Not Israel's Business'


Perhaps the most likely outcome, the former national security adviser said,is that Israel will plan little of Gaza's future. But as the past two decades of intermittent violence have shown, Israel is unable or unwilling to leave the Strip to its own devices.


Though Israel left Gaza in 2005, it has retained tight control over Gaza's borders and coastline. This tightened further after the Israeli-Egyptian embargo came into force in 2007. Gaza relies on fuel and electricity supply from Israel, as do its three water desalinization plants.


Most food and agricultural imports also have to pass through Israel firstand are subject to border crossing checks. Gaza's fishermen are only allowed to fish between 6 and 15 nautical miles from the shoreline, limiting what they can catch.


IDF boots no longer tread on Gazan ground, but Israel still very much controls the Strip and its 2.3 million residents.


"The fourth option is that it's not Israel's business," Amidror said. "Israel will finish the job, kill as many Hamas members as possible, destroy the facilities of Hamas and leave the Gaza Strip. And the people in Gaza will have to take care of themselves."


"We treat them as babies. No, it's 2 million people, it's their responsibility, and they have to materialize their responsibility.Israel will have only one commitment to the Gaza Strip; to destroy any attempt to rebuild any kind of military facility in Gaza, by anyone."


"It might be the result in the end that Israel will go out and no one will come," he added. "But it is not our business.We have been out of Gaza for more than 15 years. So, it is the responsibility of Egypt, of the world, of I don't know who. It's not ours."


"It will be a huge mistake for Israel to take responsibility for 2 million Palestiniansin an area that we pulled all our forces and people out of 15 years ago," Amidror said. "It's an enemy and we should treat them as an enemy."

Anonymous ID: 73c2a2 Oct. 19, 2023, 9:02 a.m. No.19763427   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I kind of figured and if the 17 others deny and successfully prove the charges were wrong in the first place her and Cheseboro can appeal the charges at a higher court

Anonymous ID: 73c2a2 Oct. 19, 2023, 9:13 a.m. No.19763477   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3506 >>3532 >>3595

Kash Patel Explains How Iranian Agents Have Infiltrated Biden Regime, Accessed Classified Secrets.

In Mahir Bitar in WH security council. He was wearing Palenstinean garb vowing to claim apartheid on Israel.


Why were these people allowed to work under the DOS anc DOD allowed in Trump’s agencies, why did Pompeo allow this Malley worked at DoS since Obama including Trump’s NSC and worked under Bidan. Revealing all the spies, but there are much morr



Anonymous ID: 73c2a2 Oct. 19, 2023, 9:17 a.m. No.19763506   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Kash is wrong, we do know he was remived, Robert O’Malley which I think is Malley was revealed to funnel $80-$100 billion to Iran under Obama, Trump and now Bidan through the DOS I posted the article a week ago from NYP I think