kek you must want to see moar because that's exactly how to get moar around here
>t. Try posting "enough with the tit pics already!" and watch what happens
kek you must want to see moar because that's exactly how to get moar around here
>t. Try posting "enough with the tit pics already!" and watch what happens
Eh, maybe a little bit further along the Precipiss still to go.
Nice, I like it.
Just send her this is if it's apt in her case.
He prolly still has his side piece so no biggie.
Bait posts can be fun, don't be such a party pooper.
Yes, using incorrect grammar like that is the key.
kek nice
>on the one hand
That's a 'dasting take.
>on the other hand
Those hearings are bigger Kabuki than the whole SOTH thing has been.
>Is being namedropped by Q in the drops a kiss of death?
It sure seems that way.
I 'member when anons would post a drop cap saying "Q said he's cool".
Nowadays, not so much.
Come on, anon.
Now, the Deep State?
They are panicking like never before.
I know I say this all the time, but this time it's some serious panic we're talking about.
Should I go grab a cap of Notables from Tuesday morning so anons can discuss them?
>on the one hand
Seeing all the half memes wikisplained these days is kinda based.
>on the other hand
It sucks that now anyone can learn about it so quickly w/o doing the lurk moar everyone else had to do.
Absolutely true.
These days if the Q drops imply someone is based, I pretty much assume he's called them out for being compd.
Crazy theory, but so far it lines up.