Anonymous ID: 1dc2d3 Oct. 19, 2023, 1:13 p.m. No.19764792   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Has anyone ever gotten the following message from Facebook? They say suddenly I have the potential to reach a lot of people, so now the clowns running Facebook want to "protect me" moar. Knowing what I know about these evil Satanic motherfuckers, who always talk in Backwards-Speak, I'm pretty sure they will insert some spyware shit into my devices if I "allow" them to "protect" me now that I'm such a valuable Facebook user who is able to reach a lot of people.


What triggered this you ask? Apparently some scumbag criminals in state government are shitting their pants about something, and they just might be scared of the reach that my family members might have if we decide to go public.


Just thought I'd see if any of you good and kind faggots have ever seen anything like this? The message from the Facebook clowns came almost immediately after some government officials got the shit scared out of them by some documents that I'm pretty sure got served on them.


(Im not the main target, just one of several who know this shit).