Anonymous ID: 42d4e2 Oct. 19, 2023, 4:39 p.m. No.19766068   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6082 >>6096 >>6111 >>6118 >>6152 >>6162 >>6171 >>6293 >>6421 >>6614 >>6694 >>6747 >>6775


General Mike Flynn


Here’s my take on Q…I believe it is a major psyop and from what I can tell, it or they or whatever or whoever is “running this op” has done a major disservice. What I see are a bunch of people sitting and waiting for something to happen instead of doing what I have been calling for now for quite some time (LOCAL ACTION). The nonsense about trump is still the president and the military is coming to the rescue is just that…nonsense. I wasn’t belittling Dave (he’s a big boy), I was being brutally honest (like it or not or believe it or not). Rome is burning Nero and the bucket brigade is getting low on water. And like it or not (I don’t), we have a person in the WH that is there following a constitutional process…note I didn’t say fair election (which I don’t believe occurred). Lastly, I so respect your smart statement and most definitely appreciate your support as well as Dave’s (I’m a big fan of X22). I also appreciate the support by many of the digital soldiers who did and do support me. Thank you will never be enough. However, I want us to face reality for what it is and it is staring us in the face currently and it is ugly. But never ever give up and trust me, there will always be silver linings, we just have to find them and exploit them as soon and for as long as possible. God bless



Anonymous ID: 42d4e2 Oct. 19, 2023, 5:11 p.m. No.19766313   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6341


the puppeteers have basically stated the 'sides' though biden just now:


US, NATO, Israel, Ukraine vs. Russia, China, Iran, 'hamas', 'hostile actors' in the region(s) including the middle east and the indo pacific.


Neither 'sside' is against the NWO, so this is just the chaos initiation before the 'order' on deck.


No nation has exited their UN treaty agreement. No nation has left Agenda 2030 or their Sustainable Devlopment Goals plans. No nation is NOT actively pursuing the infrastructure for CBDC and some element of rationing and UBI. They are all in the same gang.

Anonymous ID: 42d4e2 Oct. 19, 2023, 5:22 p.m. No.19766416   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6431

Bidens last words:

"…and may god protect our troops."


That sounds like it is all the way on, in anons opinion.


He kept linking hamas and putin multiple times, as if they were a uniform 'enemy' of US, NATO, Israel, and extended allies.


Day after Putin and Xi met, of course.

Anonymous ID: 42d4e2 Oct. 19, 2023, 5:43 p.m. No.19766560   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6656


>That person who was just broadcasted across all TV channels WAS NOT Joe Biden.

It has to be, or else someone in Congress or the media, or another world leader would call it out. Just like they are all demanding the release of the Epstein, Maxwell, and Nygard client lists on the world stage. /s


pic from 10+ years ago showing hamas on gliders…