Tfhjf4563jbvvn ID: 5fe5f4 She a working girl Oct. 19, 2023, 7:25 p.m. No.19767442   🗄️.is 🔗kun

A message to all Anons, and a prayer to God; and, black baby Jesus.

There was a time (not at band camp), when aliens invaded earth, and a nigger and a kyke worked together, and saved the world. Also a white boy, kicked some major karate ass, standing like a butterfly, with his wings open, or a bird. They all look the same to me.

If the mask fockers are around, well, they should and could pay honor to that focker, but hopefully, the soundtrack is varied.

Critters can work both ways, and could have a new master…. A Blackman can have as many suitcases as he wants, and Jason Bourne had 7 port passing peyps.

But still, a swap had a digital secretary, helped him make freckles his beach….

I love God, and the world, and black baby Jesus, and his girlfriend samba dancer…Simba samba, same shit different day…

Prayer to God XXITreystyle

Dear God and Black Baby Jesus.

Bless all mankind, and unite all of humanity,

We will recover. But just make sure the games over.

End all wars, and violence, make us all lovers, like Ed.

The Chinese Calendar is different, they have no October, but their flags still Red.

However, black baby Jesus, you love all men…. Even if they bounce to G-Let,

Help us always remember and never forget, that your love is everlasting, and pure.

Show mankind together with God, how diseases have cure. Some thanks to curie, no not the one from India baby Jesus, but some say you were in Tibet. Bless them too… I know they look the same to you…. However I know that you also love Niggaz, Waps, and Jews….

I know Satan Twice, or, + times has messed with all of us, but you and God are all powerful and almighty. I dunno if we get another free ticket, but whatcha think if you give all of man and humanity a pass…. And fill us with your love, mercy, and grace? I know these faggots over here probably love, will, but I know I can…

But then what? It was you that said truthfully, black baby Jesus and God…. So please put an end to all lies. Put an end to all division. Put an end to all playa hatin dheads… Oh, one thing, it be nice you know, if you gave the MULLAH back to all of mankind…. I mean, since you were flipping tables and shit… There's a guy I know, not in person, but I heard him, he flips pigeons… I know you like doves…. Pigeons are the ones who mate with doves… Maybe he can help you, give the benjis back to mankind? Ya Hurd? Thank you Jayzuz… Aldo, bless all of your cousins who are named like you, and help them keep our lawns nice and green….up the street, there's a few who work pretty darn good…keep them well fed, and make sure they don't get deported back to Mexico on those pleins.

Thank you jezuz I love you.