Anonymous ID: 8f6643 Oct. 20, 2023, 8:20 a.m. No.19769993   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9996

I love, appreciate, and respect everyone that chose the difficult and underappreciated task of taking on the challenge to help shape people's perceptions towards a more objective understanding. Without it, there's no possible way for the ultimate goal of reconciliation and societies built on tolerance to continue. The call to do more went from witnessing to actuation, with some answering that call and others choosing to stay in the roles in which they saw most fit in order to address the complexity of the situation from their position in life.


If the line was drawn, clearly, a long time ago, then the belligerents picked their sides, their plans and contingencies were set in motion, and the (last?) battle for influence over the minds of people ensued. That battle still rages, with the lines being drawn more clearly with each passing day. Both sides engaged the public to observe the events to unfold. Both sides demand your attention. Both sides want your allegiance.


Both sides make their case; whether it's appeal to emotion, appeal to logic, or some sly "knowingly" combination of both. Being human, after all, is a lifetime of both logic and emotion in a perpetual dance to develop an understanding of the subjective experience you shape as you author your journey; even if you realize, later, that your authorship is still prescribed by someone else, or their thoughts and direction. This is the illusion of choice, or as some have said, "The Simulation". Those that know how this works use it against you to create separation between you and those around you. True knowledge doesn't come from being told what to think or how to feel. The observer must draw their own conclusions after exposure to ideas, events, and people. Unfortunately, the order of exposure often plays the dominant role in the eventual outcome of perceptions. That's why bad people target youth with unfortunate and inhumane conditions; to shape them for conflict later in life.


"Truth can never be told so as to be understood, and not be believed."

-William Blake


So where does a person continue from there? It seems as though what a person values most, as the reality of the world takes shape in the culmination of their perceptions through experiences, is revealed in the end. That is when one learns about who they really are. Even then, this is just another bargain of choices afforded only to those that take their journey to that point. They realize that they may not have reached the end, yet, but it may as well be because they've developed some sense of who they are by now. But wanting and desiring to be someone (or some thing) isn't enough to make it a reality. The circumstances to shape a dream into reality are beyond most people's control as individuals. That is a power over reality held by others, and controlled by a scripted existence that they, themselves, adhere to as strictly as any religion. The term "gatekeeper" seems relevant. Not just gatekeepers of wealth, but gatekeepers of opportunity and circumstances in conjunction with wealth. A seat at the table, for most, requires giving up more than they are willing. That's a rigged game.


Maybe by this point a person realizes the significance of their contribution at the local level. The more resources you have, the more change you can affect. Maybe by this point a person realizes the significance of their contributions at a larger level. Again, the more resources you have, the more change you can affect. Maybe by this point a person realizes the significance of their contribution on the world stage. Yep; the more resources you have, the more change you can affect. All the world's a stage, right? A stage. The ones that control the stage control the pace of progress. The message the controller wants the world to see becomes the narrative of right and wrong for some, and a proclamation of war against humanity in the thoughts of others.

Anonymous ID: 8f6643 Oct. 20, 2023, 8:20 a.m. No.19769996   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Is a message of hope, clarity, and understanding a bit much to trust with some? No, because how we perceive Truth and how we feel about that which we perceive will always co-mingle in the human experience. The founders seemed to realize this, and each gave their contribution to thought and governance with this in mind. That while some ideologies are poisonous and deleterious to a functional society, people must be given the freedom to explore that which will tear down their perceptions in order for them to build a deeper understanding of what objective Truth may look like; even while acknowledging that Objective Truth is, itself, an ideal. Removing people's opportunity to rise above the muck in order to develop a truer understanding of the world, or setting up a series of obstacles along their way to ensure an individual's journey meets a prescribed outcome, is unethical.


Perhaps some believe that humans aren't capable of rising above their condition. Perhaps some do not really believe in the Good Word. But some do, at least some parts of it, and some have had many more opportunities in their shorter-than-many-others' lifetime in this world to come to conclusions about things long before this particular event started (or went public). There's no doubt that some new things have been learned by many, and confirmations about previous conclusions have been cemented in the conscience of some as well. Some people understand the value of life, freedom to live that life however the fuck you want, and why it's more important than ever that when someone comes along and tries to knock you off your seat in this ride that maybe it's time to tell them TOGTFO.


If the power to change things for the betterment of all humanity was dangling right in front of your noses and you refused to use that power to do what was necessary to spare human lives, their minds, and futurity, perhaps the depth of the problem in the minds of most is deeper than previously understood. Conversely, this might lend some credence to to the idea that there are those that have lived their lives for quite some some time to say "let's see what happens". That's called wisdom. Anon worked to a breaking point; a literal one. Why? Because it was that important to ensure anon could do everything to affect perceptions in the world in such a way so as to help improve the human condition for all, not just some. In other words, anon didn't go all in in the manner in which they did for fame, fortune, or to build a 5 million follower base on the "digital battlefield" to persuade more effectively. Besides, the ones that control how that apparatus works have, till this point, deemed anon unworthy of a larger audience.


I believe the point of what I'm writing here is to say this:

There was this old world we grew up in.

There is this new world we are striving for.

There are things we all can do to make the world better as far as our perceptions lead us.

There are positions of power that work all over the world that conflict with that, and keep us from doing so.

Fix the resource problem, or the illusion of a lack of resources, and things will turn around.


Until then, God speed, God bless all those trying to make a difference in the world, and fuck the invisible enemy right up the ass with a hot poker.


Anonymous ID: 8f6643 Oct. 20, 2023, 8:55 a.m. No.19770239   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0281


This is the dumbest shit I've ever skimmed through. People want to live in peace with each other and people that call men and women "whores" for acting on their God-given inclinations that prove we are all one race, instead of many races at war, are leaning on just one deception of many to perpetuate the conflict they started with accusations and power grabs.


What do you think Israel really is? It's a place for all of God's children. Accusations against humanity always have, and always will fail.