Anonymous ID: 972f1f Oct. 20, 2023, 6:46 a.m. No.19769483   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9490 >>9499 >>9502 >>9523

Saw this on notables the other day, haven't been able to stop looking at this…

anon posted screen shots from wayback machine of's country populations 2017 vs pop. projections for 2025, for what seemed like a serious organization with connections to the levers of power, the 2025 projections were straight-up crazy, then the plandemic happened, there is a clear line in the 2025 projections that correlates with countries who administered lots of mRNA & virial vector COVID-19 vax with the biggest population decreases, but even with clots, myocarditis, heart-attacks, strokes & turbo cancers there is no way those 2025 projections are even going to be close UNLESS…the previous mention anon also posted a research paper that warned of the effects that certain COVID-19 vaccines would have in the event of a detonation of an enhanced radiation weapon (neutron bomb) which can also double as a nuclear EMP, it turns out that the mRNA & viral-vector vaccines force-fed to the citizens & soldiers of NATO & NATO-aligned countries has the potential to prevent the body from repairing DNA breaks that would occur if a neutron bomb was cooked off by 90%, this paper then hypothesizes that because of this 90% decrease in the ability to repair DNA breaks a much lower amount of neutron radiation would be required to cause ETI-early transient incapacitation, which means the inability to function within minutes of exposure & death occurs within 48 hours, if this is even close to possible, it would explain what is going on in the middle-east/ Russia-Ukr as part 2 of the plandemic, just giving the forces ultimately behind the plandemic the opportunity to bathe the "west" in neutron radiation that finishes off what the vax started

Russia, Iran, China, Pakistan, Egypt, Mexico, Vietnam=stable or increased pop in 2025

Germany, USA, France, UK, Canada, Australia, Japan, New Zealand, ISRAEL- big reductions in pop in 2025