157 tested when I was 9, but I have yet to succeed at life. I can learn very quickly, but I have a hard time staying interested or applying a sustained effort towards anything. Still working on it - Trump's economy is giving me hope for the future.
157 tested when I was 9, but I have yet to succeed at life. I can learn very quickly, but I have a hard time staying interested or applying a sustained effort towards anything. Still working on it - Trump's economy is giving me hope for the future.
I'm tired of the emphasis placed on having a college degree. I went to a major university for 4 years (1480 SAT, then 3.66 GPA), accumulated 99 credits, got a woman pregnant, got a good full-time job in the Title Insurance , married her, and I did fine until the economy really tanked in 07-08. Family is still together, but I've had shit jobs ever since. Student loans were a bitch. Working on getting a professional license for Title Insurance - 3 day seminar next week, then state test. Taking tests is something I do well, so I'm staying positive. Getting back on the horse. Jobs, Jobs, Jobs, Thank Q POTUS!