A movie to further red pill the red-pilled
Set in a futuristic dystopia divided into two distinct and separate classes — the thinkers and the workers — Metropolis describes the struggles between the two opposite entities.
Metropolis portays a society where the “New World Order” has been fully implemented and a select elite live in luxury while a dehumanized mass work and live in a highly monitored hell.
The workers labor in a monstrous machine, a hellish industrial complex where they must accomplish repetitive and dehumanizing tasks. At one point, the machine is compared to Moloch, the ancient (((Semitic))) deity honored by human sacrifices.
The tasks assumed by the workers are purely mechanical, needing absolutely no brain power, making them nothing more than an extension of the machine.
In the film, Maria is originally a charismatic woman that is highly admired by her fellow workers. Understanding their suffering and despair, and knowing that a revolt is brewing, Maria preaches peace and patience, prophesying the coming of a “mediator”, who would become the “heart between the head (the thinkers) and the hand (the workers).
Hijacked by the elite and turned evil through Satanic means, the programmed Maria performs mesmerizing dances in front of an avid public, causing men to fight, to lust, to be jealous and to commit the rest of the deadly sins.
Many 'stars' today pay homage to the character Maria, an android programmed to corrupt the morals of the workers and to incite a revolt, giving the elite an excuse to use violent repression.