Kennedy Space Center digital signage takes off
Oct. 20, 2023
The Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex has unveiled a 3,000 square-foot SNA Displays LED spectacular installation in the Kennedy Entry Experience, according to a press release.
The 6.6-millimeter LED display, measuring 30 feet tall and 98 feet long, offers more than six million pixels and is constructed with SNA Displays Empire Exterior LED panels. It includes a curve with a five foot radius, along with supporting 3D anamorphic content. The display features steel structure, storm-proofing design, a lightning protection system, and integration with the Space Center's emergency system.
Additional partners included Eastern Sign Tech, which offered installation, and Ivey's Construction, which contributed general contracting services.
"The astronomical new Kennedy Entry Experience is one of the largest LED displays set at ground level," Jason Helton, EVP at SNA Displays, said in the release. "I've long been a huge fan of space exploration and am really passionate about this particular project. This location is such an important piece of American history representing drive, perseverance, and a desire to push the boundaries of technology and human excellence. We're incredibly proud to work with the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex."