Anonymous ID: 0cfa42 Oct. 20, 2023, 12:06 p.m. No.19771395   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Active Glowies, Fake news, FBI, CIA, Gov. personnel, actors, business men and women, basically people who continue to help and keep joe biden installed as president, and keep the fraud going for their own globalist uniparty benefits.

Also People who set up trump for nefarious reasons fall in this category too.


These people will wake up and realize they committed treason and wont be able to shake it off.

Trump Won.

They know it.

You know it!

I know it.


You cant use the liberal 75 IQ and imagine another reality, or that something never happened, the reality is that trump won in 2020 and nothing can change that, no matter how delusional Washington DC are.

The truth is Trump really Won, and keeping it a secret is the crime of the century.