Anonymous ID: 12d487 Oct. 20, 2023, 12:03 p.m. No.19771388   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1762

President Donald J. Trump against all odds. Can it be done? Can We the People get the candidate we want back into the White House in 2024? Here is a list of Interference that occurred in 2020. I am sure I am missing some.


Google interference (search results fuckery + more)

Facebook interference (Zuckerbucks)

YouTube interference (Censorship/deplatforming)

Twitter interference (Shadowbanning/Censorship)

Alphabet agencies interference (Biden laptop/51 spooks declared Russian disinfo)

Post Office interference (mail in ballot fraud)

Runbeck interference (ballot printer)

Dominion Voting systems interference (Foreign owned company, Canadian, switching votes)

Election workers interference (Traitors to our country physically involved in fraud)

State government interference (Changing of election laws without authority)

Media interference (Knowingly lying to the public, fake polls ect.)


That is a lot of interference to get rid of Trump in 2020. Now "they" have kickec it up a notch with Lawfare to add to the election interference list. To think that President Trump is risking it all taking the countless slings and arrows all for us. Ask not what Trump can do for you but ask what you can do for your country. He is doing enough.