Anonymous ID: b3a6e4 Oct. 20, 2023, 1:35 p.m. No.19771839   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1851


> is his advice really that abhorrent?


>Did anons expect it all delivered on a plate?


>Methinks they did!


>Some jerk has been promoting the Dig, Meme, Pray trope when anon feels that so much more was and still is required. Such as grassroots action as Flynn suggested, as part of the Great Awakening, as well as waking the Normies the fuck up as part of the process.


Grassroots political action requires strategy. The Q drops did NOT, in my opinion, follow a strategy suitable for building grassroots action. General Flynn has been a soldier for so long he doesn't understand what it is like to be a civilian.


Q team could and did drop some provocative hints that got some fringe researchers meme-posting. However, a disparate and highly infiltrated group of meme-lords is NOT the same as a grassroots political movement. Q's actions do NOT jibe with common-sense mainstream political strategies. (Maybe they make sense to career spooks and Beltway backstabbers.) Conversely, media outlets like justthenews, OANN, Epoch Times, GatewayPundit, etc. are all much more grounded in common-sense mainstream strategies. If you want grassroots action, write some letters to the editor at justthenews – imageboards are for vulgarity and memes, not mainstream political action.

Anonymous ID: b3a6e4 Oct. 20, 2023, 1:41 p.m. No.19771876   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>18 USC 1001b


>smith mundt modernization act




>patriot act




See, if you had any mainstream political sense, you would understand why your post does not persuade mainstream political thinkers and only appeals to edgy memelords. Imageboards SUCK for many purposes. Your post is an example of why imageboards fail at mainstream politics.