the rinos can have as much TDS as they want. If they want to keep their position and their power at least for the time being a Trump vote is what is needed. Nothing less.
fuck it at this point. The government is illegitimate. The courts are illegitimate. Fraud Vitiates everything. Grind it all to a fucking halt then knock the temple over.
I hate having her saying the right thing when she is such an insufferable twat.
it isWE the PEOPLE.for a reason.
so force the Trump vote, they either vote for him or be exposed. Simple. and then to quote Q something yadda yadda walking the streets.
the entire vote in the house can not be that important if it is being delayed until tuesday. Nothing will change. Nominate Trump.
once again the lies of religion killing the bravest and most healthy.
ok which one smart ass?
it is getting closer but it is still a few moves left. Trump being speaker would help push forward but also alleviate some of the pressure. there are less pieces on the board but each move now may take longer to play. Be patient stay frosty. Because it is sure not going to get better right away.
is the oath enforceable. if not then fuck the oath.
prove he is CIC. Then prove that you could not do both.
no. Trump or nothing.