Anonymous ID: 0092de Oct. 20, 2023, 4:39 p.m. No.19772772   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2784 >>2796 >>2814 >>3050 >>3351

Donald J. Trump



Wow! Looks like Ron DeSanctimonious has fallen to 3rd place, and heading down, in his ridiculous run to be President. Destroying Social Security and Medicare hasn’t exactly helped him! In the important Emerson Poll, he’s dropped to 8%, 51 Points behind his favorite President, ME. Birdbrain, who may be even worse, is fighting it out with others for a very distant 2nd place. The last debate was the lowest rated debate in history. The next and probably last one, in Miami, will do even worse. Republicans should not debate, they should UNITE in defeating the WORST & MOST INCOMPETENT ADMINISTRATION IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!


Oct 20, 2023, 7:20 PM

Anonymous ID: 0092de Oct. 20, 2023, 4:50 p.m. No.19772841   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3050 >>3074 >>3351

Supreme Court Lets Biden Regime Turn Back On the Digital Censorship: Here Is the Latest in Vital Free Speech Case, Missouri v. Biden, where Gateway Pundit is a Litigant


Today the Supreme Court announced that it is granting “certiorari”, meaning that it will hear the case, to the litigants in Missouri v. Biden.


However, it also stopped the injunction against the government continuing to censor American citizens. Meaning that, the government will be able to turn the censorship regime back on while the court hears the case.


The Missouri v. Biden case involves the question of whether the Biden regime can use federal government resources to overtly censor American citizens, a practice aggressively begun under the COVID lockdowns. The case has revealed a wide array of government agencies and officials engaged in telling social media companies exactly what to censor, whom to ban, and what speech is permissible.


Legal experts describe the Missouri v. Biden as the most important case for free speech in at least a decade.


The Gateway Pundit Founder and Publisher Jim Hoft is the lead Plaintiff in the case.


The Freeze Dried Beef Industry Is Exploding — Here’s Why


In several notable instances turned over in discovery, the government was even caught referring a case of censorship originating from the Ukrainian government where an American citizen was too critical of the Ukraine war. The American government was commanding social media companies to censor American citizens on behalf of Ukraine.


The case was filed by the Attorney Generals of Missouri and Louisiana, filing in the federal Western District of Louisiana. The trial court judge granted an injunction limiting the ability of the federal government to continue engaging in acts of censorship. The 5th Circuit originally stopped that injunction, but upon a three-judge panel’s review ultimately modified that injunction to stop a wider group of agencies from engaging in censorship.


The government has aggressively appealed the case demanding that its right to censor American speech online not be challenged, stopped, or slowed.


Notably most media outlets have chronically misreported this story, obliquely referring to the case involving “communications” between the government and social media companies. They don’t disclose that those ‘communications’ were specific demands for censorship and deplatforming against specific speakers for the content of what they were saying.


“We’re extremely pleased and grateful that the Supreme Court has granted certiorari to decide the issue of the Preliminary Injunction stopping censorship, on the merits. That said, we completely agree with Judges Alito, Thomas, and Gorsuch, that staying the Preliminary Injunction during the pendency of the SCOTUS appeal is simply wrong. As Justice Alito observed, Judge Doughty’s Preliminary Injunction merely forces the United States Government to do the same thing the First Amendment does: don’t censor speech. As Justice Alito observed, the government stands to lose nothing by being forced to follow the Constitution,” said Gateway Pundit Attorney John Burns.


“On the other hand, now that the Preliminary Injunction is stayed, the despicable Biden Administration will continue its ruthless, fascist censorship campaign against millions of American citizens. There is zero legitimate interest in censoring the public, ever. However, we’re confident that the Supreme Court will continue nearly 250 years of legal precedent defending the First Amendment and ultimately re-impose the Preliminary Injunction. The Supreme Court cannot countenance the largest campaign of illegal censorship in American history.”


#BREAKING: Supreme Court freezes Louisiana district court ruling that would’ve barred a wide range of contacts between executive branch officials and social media companies.


Justices Thomas, Alito, and Gorsuch publicly dissent in separate opinion.


— Steve Vladeck (@steve_vladeck) October 20, 2023



The Supreme Court requires four justices to vote to hear a case. The decision to terminate the injunction was likely a majority vote of the Justices on the court, where Justices Thomas, Alito, and Gorsuch publicly dissented in separate opinion.


In a dissent from this decision to stay the injunction, the trio of conservative Justices said,


“At this time in the history of our country, what the Court has done, I fear, will be seen by some as giving the Government a green light to use heavy-handed tactics to skew the presentation of views on the medium that increasingly dominates the dissemination of news.”


You can read the decision here.

Anonymous ID: 0092de Oct. 20, 2023, 4:54 p.m. No.19772862   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3056



Judicial Watch






(1) Judicial Watch Announces Premiere of ‘Censored and Controlled,’ a Four-Part Documentary on Government and Social Media Censorship Featuring Senator Eric Schmitt, Congressman Jim Jordan, and Journalist Matt Taibbi


(2) Judicial Watch Sues State Dept. for Records Related to Eligibility of Hungarians to Participate in Visa Waiver Program


(3) Judicial Watch Sues Director of National Intelligence for Records on Social Media Censorship


(4) Judicial Watch Sues CDC for Records about CDC Guidance on Breastfeeding by Males


(5) Judicial Watch: New Records Reveal Barack Obama’s Presence at Emergency Scene of Obama Family Chef Drowning


#Obama #bigtechcensorship #transgender #hungary #weeklyupdate #judicialwatch #tomfitton

Anonymous ID: 0092de Oct. 20, 2023, 4:55 p.m. No.19772869   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3059 >>3351

Trump Files Motion To Stay Federal Gag Order, Judge Chutkan Relents Temporarily


President Donald Trump’s legal team filed a motion to stay the gag order imposed by a federal judge in Washington, DC this week.


“No Court in American history has imposed a gag order on a criminal defendant who is campaigning for public office—least of all, on the leading candidate for President of the United States,” wrote Trump attorney John Lauro.


District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan, who is presiding over the case, agreed to stay the order temporarily. Chutkan ordered the prosecution to file any opposition by Wednesday, October 25th and a subsequent reply by the Trump team by Saturday, October 28th.


“At bottom, the Gag Order violates virtually every fundamental principle of our First Amendment jurisprudence,” Lauro wrote. “It imposes an overbroad, content-based prior restraint on the leading Presidential candidate’s core political speech—notwithstanding the Supreme Court’s instruction that First Amendment rights have their fullest and most urgent application precisely in the conduct of campaigns for political office. Likewise, by restricting President Trump’s speech, the Gag Order eviscerates the rights of his audiences, including hundreds of millions of American citizens who the Court now forbids from listening to President Trump’s thoughts on important issues.”


Chutkan had previously imposed a gag order on “any interested parties” from attacking Special Counsel Jack Smith, his staff, any staff of the court, or any possible witness in the case.


“The prosecution did not present any evidence that President Trump harassed or intimidated anyone,” Lauro wrote. “Rather, the prosecution relied exclusively on the allegation that third parties, with no relationship to President Trump, engaged improperly with political actors—most of whom had already been criticized by millions of people across the country before President Trump commented on them.”


“The prosecution also did not submit any evidence that: (1) any member of its team has been threatened or harassed; (2) that any potential witness has actually felt threatened or harassed by President Trump’s core political speech; (3) that President Trump made any public statement about any “court staff,” other than the district judge herself; or (4) that any alleged threat, harassment, or intimidation by third parties could not be addressed by means less restrictive than an expansive prior restraint on President Trump’s speech,” Lauro continued.


Lauro explained in the filing that the court relied on the theory that when Trump attacked people, such as Smith, they subsequently faced harassment and threats. He argued that logic was heavily flawed.


“But the Court cited no evidence that President Trump’s statements—as distinct from the statements of millions of others—caused such alleged threats or harassment, let alone that the statements were directed to inciting imminent lawless action,” he wrote.

Anonymous ID: 0092de Oct. 20, 2023, 5:22 p.m. No.19773050   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>>19772772 Donald J. Trump: Republicans should not debate, they should UNITE in defeating the WORST & MOST INCOMPETENT ADMINISTRATION IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!


>>19772841 Supreme Court Lets Biden Regime Turn Back On the Digital Censorship: Here Is the Latest in Vital Free Speech Case, Missouri v. Biden, where Gateway Pundit is a Litigant

Anonymous ID: 0092de Oct. 20, 2023, 5:22 p.m. No.19773056   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>19772862 Judicial Watch Announces Premiere of ‘Censored and Controlled,’ a Four-Part Documentary on Government and Social Media Censorship Featuring Senator Eric Schmitt, Congressman Jim Jordan, and Journalist Matt Taibbi



Anonymous ID: 0092de Oct. 20, 2023, 5:31 p.m. No.19773123   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Florida Republican Makes His Bid for House Speaker


After Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) failed to secure enough votes for House Speaker, Florida Rep. Byron Donalds (R-Fla.) has thrown his hat into the race.


On Friday, Donalds announced his candidacy to take over former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s (R-CA) role before being ousted earlier this year.



According to close sources, Donalds will seek support in a closed-door GOP conference vote, which could occur as soon as Monday.


In addition to Donalds claiming he earned enough votes in the Speaker’s ballots, Rep. Vern Buchanan (R-FL.) backed Donalds on the second and third ballots this week.


“We’re going to have to solve this race quickly,” Buchanan said in a statement to Florida Politics. “I’ve served with Byron; he’s a conservative champion, and I hope my colleagues will consider his name as we look for a way forward. It’s about time Florida had a seat at the table.”


Florida Politics noted that Buchanan previously supported Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-LA.) before the Republican dropped out of the race. It is also worth mentioning that he reluctantly bid for Jordan; however, when the Ohio congressman saw his nomination end after three failed votes, Buchanan jumped ship.


Rep. Cory Mills (R-FL.) also supported the Sarasota native.


I supported @Jim_Jordan for our next Speaker. Unfortunately my votes for him on the floor and in conference to remain Speaker designate was not enough.


I now support @ByronDonalds for the next Speaker of the House 🇺🇸


— Cory Mills (@CoryMillsFL) October 20, 2023

Anonymous ID: 0092de Oct. 20, 2023, 5:36 p.m. No.19773163   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Byron Donalds Florida Republican Makes His Bid for House Speaker


After Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) failed to secure enough votes for House Speaker, Florida Rep. Byron Donalds (R-Fla.) has thrown his hat into the race.


On Friday, Donalds announced his candidacy to take over former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s (R-CA) role before being ousted earlier this year.



According to close sources, Donalds will seek support in a closed-door GOP conference vote, which could occur as soon as Monday.


In addition to Donalds claiming he earned enough votes in the Speaker’s ballots, Rep. Vern Buchanan (R-FL.) backed Donalds on the second and third ballots this week.


“We’re going to have to solve this race quickly,” Buchanan said in a statement to Florida Politics. “I’ve served with Byron; he’s a conservative champion, and I hope my colleagues will consider his name as we look for a way forward. It’s about time Florida had a seat at the table.”


Florida Politics noted that Buchanan previously supported Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-LA.) before the Republican dropped out of the race. It is also worth mentioning that he reluctantly bid for Jordan; however, when the Ohio congressman saw his nomination end after three failed votes, Buchanan jumped ship.


Rep. Cory Mills (R-FL.) also supported the Sarasota native.


I supported @Jim_Jordan for our next Speaker. Unfortunately my votes for him on the floor and in conference to remain Speaker designate was not enough.


I now support @ByronDonalds for the next Speaker of the House 🇺🇸


— Cory Mills (@CoryMillsFL) October 20, 2023

Anonymous ID: 0092de Oct. 20, 2023, 5:38 p.m. No.19773188   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3202 >>3228

Donald J. Trump






Judge Jeanine: “Donald Trump gave us the Abraham Accords…Donald Trump sanctioned Iran, and enforced the sanctions…Donald Trump pulled us out of the Iran Nuclear Deal when Obama was sending love letters to them saying, oh we can work on this this together…There were no beheadings when Trump was President…and the caliphate was destroyed when he was President…”



Oct 20, 2023, 8:19 PM



Judge Jeanine: “Donald Trump gave us the Abraham


Anonymous ID: 0092de Oct. 20, 2023, 5:43 p.m. No.19773224   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3244

Donald J. Trump




@LaraTrump: “It’s terrifying, there has been a 180 degree change in everything you see not just here in America, but now around the world…and it is dangerous…people are dying, children are being beheaded—it is horrific to see what has happened…You have to look at what it was that Donald Trump did, it was PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH when he was President of the United States…”


Oct 20, 2023, 8:30 PM



You have to look at what it was that Donald Trump did, it was PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH when he was President of the United States


Anonymous ID: 0092de Oct. 20, 2023, 5:45 p.m. No.19773242   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3253

il Donaldo Trumpo
