all speech should be allowed it is these laws they put in as carve outs like with hate speech that are the problem. The entire system is broken and illegitimate, and yet people are still hampered by retarded ideas of what speech is or is not.
what god, The creator or all the stupid faggot ones that people cling to in their religious fictions.
even that has carve outs. Brandenburg v. Ohio. I assume when you say blatant you mean time place, manner of death and if its even plausible or possible. It also seems to not matter if the person felt threatened that seems to be an issue also. Check out Elonis V. United states. It was eventually sent back down to the states but the only dissenting member was Thomas.
The problem to me initially is to prove intent, because they have also pretty much legalized fighting words. Which are fine but again they carve out fighting words as an idea which still should fall under the first. The any means part also is stupid because it is too vague. There was something about the ridiculousness also, like if i said i will stab you with this stick of butter, but if I added the time date and place that would become more specific. The entire system is broken and like you said the concept of threat is what causes cops to shoot first, and sometimes they should. But it also creates a paranoid group, and also gives them insane power trips. Just like the Stanford Prison experiment showed.
Does Moses know the father?
there were more behind the scenes that did not vote for him that have not been outed. No way Crenshaw is not one of them. He voted for Jordan each time. But his own personal policies align with the uniparty more. I think it was sixty or ninety I recall hearing yesterday that voted against Jordan in that closed door session.
they sending in the transformers?
But they are muh terrorists and its not their land it is the chosen peoples because a deal was signed with england a long long time ago so quit being so anti semen, because they have a right to push people out of their ancestral homes to give to chosen families and you can not be mad about it because look we give you this slum and as your gracious overlords give water and food, be grateful slave and respect the will of the chosen by muh god.
oh i guess I have not read enough of the bullshit bible to understand. It must be my own failing and not that the book is a edited lie that idiots think is 100% true. But yeah you are right it is all my fault and not that of those that are controlling the world with abstract narratives. Yeah I must be a fucking idiot.
I did I kicked that fucking pretender in the nuts.
not an answer.
the tower of babel yet another mistake by the so called god. The separation of language is why humanity is in the state it is. No one knows what anything means anymore and the stories are all jumbled up. Why would someone do that unless it was to create more control. Then in order to control they sent down a bunch of managers who had reign over some regions, they then had wars with managers from other districts. They enslaved their people through fear.
well considering the abrahamic god is the devil. I am fine.
pray for me also for the good it does you stupid nigger.
no, and even through a quick dig can not find what you are talking about. Shinar: Watch of him that sleeps?
china no clue. I do know their first emperor the yellow emperor was because he had blonde hair and blue eyes though.
and this is why people call you a cult. Just because you do not believe one thing does not make you not believe others. Such limited thinking from someone who thinks they are anon. Ask all questions. I am not even sure what god you follow seeing as there are many? Do you follow the false idea there is only one and that one happens to be the true one and everyone else is wrong.?
I did it was lacking
I guess I must be because I refuse to participate in your fucking delusion and fantasy.
who discounted it, I had no clue what you were rambling about and tried to look it up. You are the nigger crying.
sorry for reposting it forgot to remove the link in the other post. This is a old disney movie called Donald Duck in Mathland. Yes, I know, Disney, but they talked about some of the school and the occult stuff a little if you can see. Introductory.
depends which way the road started, blue eyes were smack dab in the middle of all of it 13k years ago. But for whatever reason those people became the gods of everywhere. Why? not sure, but the evidence can easily be seen. And you see evidence of trade going back a long ways. The mines in England were known about for a long time. I just am not sure where the chinese phenotype comes from.
because you being a passive aggressive cunt was annoying.
Well I testify you are a liar and a faggot.
are you? Did not realize I was crying about your imaginary friend.
it fucking sings. At some hotel called the Wynn.
I have learned a lot it is why I can say in confidence the bible is a lie. Well not a total one, there is truth in it, but a majority of it is a control mechanism to keep people in line.
wait a min, explain? is the the weishaupt shit or are you talking earlier?
who is moving anything nigger? I think the bible is a lie wrapped in some truth. Kinda like bacon wrapped shit. Good stuff on the outside, but still masking shit. Lipstick pig same metaphor.
that interestingly is maybe one of the more accurate bits, but I have yet to see anyone really link that up to the kings lists in both sumeria and egypt. It would cover the time periods needed if I recall. I think a christian by the name of Trey Smith did something on it a few years back but he was missing some steps and since he was approaching the info from a christian mindset biased. The problem is that christians and all religious types fail to see their books have been altered many times over, and some stories included others not and why because man determined what was holy not god.
You think you are good in what you are doing, who is good again? No one? So what makes my approach any less or more right than you when I think you yourself are being deceived. So your bullshit approach wont work
this is the stuff that is out there that makes this story so much more amazing. Sage wall is a new one for me. Whatever came before was amazing in what it could create and to have the hubris that we as humanity know truth when we can not even understand shit like this. Fucking pure hubris.
many of the native cultures said they were born from the ground after a great apocalypse, they emerged from the underground etc
what is the old law and who passed it show me where it was written.
that post was so long ago but Day of Days also refers to the Normandy landing. I am sure it was noted back then.
a fucking novel idea. Sadly people are willing to die for their concept of the truth. people are great when talking about division about politics, but as soon as religion is talked about, then it is how dare you attack my subjective truth on reality that will cause me to fight and kill you if you don't believe the same.
Drudge has not had shit to do with that website for years. He was bought out. Someone maybe it was Trump was going to tell a story bout that, not sure that ever happened.
yeah around then maybe october, maybe around a certain shooting event. He may have always been a scammer and was waiting to flip or he was bought out and silenced and just looking through some articles there seems to be a lot of confusion about who actually owns that. It should not be that difficult it it was only him.