I was awoken by a bad dream. American soldiers were being held hostage at an airport that had been taken over by Hamas Mossad Terrorists. The hostages were wearing the blue and white stripped T-shirts under their military fatigues and I got the impression that they were dual citizens who were taken hostage due to having mainly more American intelligence than Israeli. The were handcuffed inside a Chinook helicopter on the barb-wired base and were being starved and deprived of water. They were kept clean for the most part as the whole goal was to get information out of them rather to punish them by discomfort to hunger torture tactic. The captors were interested in knowing why Ukrainian support stopped and what it meant for Israel and wanted to know US intentions as they felt danger was imminent for them due to this. My perspective was as if I was one of the rescuers who went in to free them, knowing ahead of to bring keys, Gatorade, wet towels for them and the small electric cutout tool that I was carrying.