Anonymous ID: b93684 Oct. 21, 2023, 7:03 a.m. No.19775835   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5945


>How Hamas Was Formed

Israeli CIA



Israeli intelligence agency


Mossad, Mossad also spelled Mosad, in full Mossad Merkazi le-Modiin ule-Tafkidim Meyuhadim, (Hebrew: “Central Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations”), one of the three major intelligence organizations of Israel, along with Aman (military intelligence) and Shin Bet (internal security). The Mossad is concerned with foreign intelligence gathering, intelligence analysis, and covert operations.


Formally established in December 1949 as the Institute for Co-ordination, the Mossad was the successor to the intelligence arm of the Haganah (the Jewish military force in Palestine during the British mandate period). Reuven Shiloah, who had been involved in special operations and secret diplomacy during the pre-state period, served as the first director. Bureaucratic conflicts hampered the new agency in its early days; it took more than a year for the agency to become operational, and it suffered an early embarrassment in 1951 when an Israeli spy ring in Baghdad was exposed and intelligence officers were arrested.


Shiloah retired in 1952 and was replaced by Isser Harel, who had previously served as the head of Shin Bet. Harel was credited with building the Mossad into a highly professional organization capable of conducting operations around the world during his 11-year tenure (1952–63). One high-profile success, the capture in 1960 of former Nazi Adolf Eichmann in Argentina by a Mossad team and his exfiltration to Israel to stand trial for war crimes, demonstrated the agency’s proficiency and confidence in high-risk operations.


The Mossad maintains numerous Israeli secret agents in Arab and other nations. The most famous of these was Eli Cohen, an Egyptian-born Jew who infiltrated the highest ranks of the Syrian government by posing as a Syrian businessman before being discovered and executed in 1965.


The Mossad and its operatives have carried out undercover operations against enemies of Israel and former Nazi war criminals living abroad. Mossad agents tracked down and assassinated the Arab guerrilla leaders responsible for the massacre of Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympic Games, and the Mossad has also been linked with several assassinations of Palestinian leaders in Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa.

Anonymous ID: b93684 Oct. 21, 2023, 8:03 a.m. No.19776006   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6025 >>6276


>his mother, and the father

Wendy Napoles, Andrew Napoles


He went as Elsa for Halloween, and something really clicked for him,” she said. “After that, every time we went to the store, he wanted a skirt or a dress.”


Unsure of their son’s burgeoning sense of style, Napoles and her husband took Desmond to a therapist, who advised neither discouraging nor encouraging his behavior, and suggested it could just be a passing phase.


It wasn’t, said Mom.


“It was never a phase for him, and soon dressing up at home wasn’t enough,” she said. “He wanted to dress up and go outside — then he wanted to perform.”


He is/was GROOMED

What AGENCY FAILED to protect this child?

The same ones that NEED CONTROL over Future assets.


Program dev ongoing under offshore [not domestic] 'tangent' agency?

Covert funding?

Animals Humans

Humans 1988

71% avg success rate.

Targeted (mental) 'criteria' designated as [ , ].

Mental institutions & THERAPISTs 'program-specialists'…..

Cocktail regimen 4x daily brain intercept [administered by ]


WIA military personnel targets of the program?


Clandestine Black OPs zero affiliation (non_stick)

Something out of a movie?


The hole is deep.


Anonymous ID: b93684 Oct. 21, 2023, 8:40 a.m. No.19776144   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Nah, ZION was the Matrix "Haven"

In the world of fuckery, everything is backasswards,

ZION is prison.


In a world where Unity is the preferred outcome, the LIES and DECEIT have created moar division that will NEVER be unfucked.


The ruling JEWS Optics has ruined any chance for unity there.

Never chose a side before with regards to this topic, but the fact that NONE of them EVER GET CALLED OUT, is why they'll ALL BE CALLED OUT!

Anonymous ID: b93684 Oct. 21, 2023, 8:58 a.m. No.19776213   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Why watch these talking heads at all?

They are, in essence, doing the very things they accuse everyone else of.



At this point in the "Game," if it's not the WHOLE TRUTH, then it's just moar clickbait, moneygrubbing, watch muh shitshow crap. Derp, I gots insider knowledge…


Everyone pussyfooting around subjects, or not callling a fuckng SPADE a SPADE is why we're in this mess.


How come it's the "Conspiracy Theorists" that can say the quite parts out loud? But that's it? All those muppet social media accounts that everyone follows? Eats and drinks every word as gospel? Waiting for some shred of confirmation that we're on the right "think" path, because they are cucks to the truth?


Eye roll.

Anonymous ID: b93684 Oct. 21, 2023, 9:18 a.m. No.19776287   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6291 >>6328 >>6466


Not even close


>Sohale Siddiqi

I remember this link and name now.



The FRONTLINE Interview: Sohale Siddiqi

He met Obama at a New Year's Eve party in San Francisco, while Obama was attending Occidental College, and the two men later became roommates in New York. "I saw a transformation in the Barry I had met in Occidental," Siddiqi recalls about Obama's New York years. "He got very serious and less lighthearted, and our conversations were more about serious things."


Aired: 10/08/08


Rating: NR

Anonymous ID: b93684 Oct. 21, 2023, 9:27 a.m. No.19776331   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I said it was more believable than that other one.

Considering the History of Butt boy and hubby, it was KEKable.

Sorry you took literally.


It was Saddiqi

Anonymous ID: b93684 Oct. 21, 2023, 10:37 a.m. No.19776575   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6604


>Only the blood of Jesus makes us clean.

Satanic Rituals make us clean

Who said that?

Who told you this?


Drink the blood, eat the flesh

Nah, that's what Jesus wanted us to do.

PFFFTTTT brain ded

Anonymous ID: b93684 Oct. 21, 2023, 10:46 a.m. No.19776613   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>It is just a reminder of what Jesus did for us.

No, that is indoctrination of what you were told it meant, so that you would follow along in a Ritual Sacrifice and not think twice.